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DoctorBoulder11714 Read the screenshots below and watch the video with the link…Read the screenshots below and watch the video with the link provided and answer these questions below. To begin this assignment, read these Plain English Articles.   With these articles, we will consider the ethical choices that writers need to make when they compose a document, choices that have to do with a document’s content, organization, background research, tone/register of language, and formatting. ( Once you have completed the readings, read the questions below and add your ideas and comments.Image transcription textCrusader for Syntactic Disambiguation Exprobrates Banks’Labored Locutions — Chrissie Maher Battles Murk in U.K.Lending; New Chapter in Lifelong Drive for Plain Engli… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textpresence in a crocheted sweater and eyeglasses, “Language hasbeen misused and has contributed to the economic disaster ” AnRES spokesman acknowledged thatthe wording in the … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textCredit: By Sara Schaefer Munoz Document URL:… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe New Language for Jurors in California: Plain EnglishPublication info: New York Times (Online) , New York: New YorkTimes Company. Aug 28, 2005. ProQuest document li… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 2 of 2 Identifier / keyword: California Jury System EnglishLanguage Publication title: New York Times (Online); New YorkPublication year: 2005 Publication date: Aug 28, 2005… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textConsent Forms in Plain English Nagourney, Eric . New Vork Times, Late Edition (East Coast); New York NV. [New York, NV]. 26 Apr2005: F3. 5) PmOtAest documenl Ilrlk ABSTRACT (AB… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textDETAILS Database copyright @ 2022 ProQuest LLC. All rightsreserved. Terms and Conditions Contact ProQuest Subject:Consent; Forms; Writing; Medical research Publicatio… Show more… Show moreNow. Watch this video: Answer these questions – Please address all of the following questions, using paraphrases and/or citations as evidence for your claims about the theme of these articles:What overall theme do these articles address?How do the ideas of these articles concerning writing for the general public differ from how we normally think about academic writing (aka, the type of writing you do in the university)?How does the shared theme of these articles relate to the objectives of this course about writing for business?What idea(s) should you take away from these articles that will inform the coursework that you do in English 235?Arts & HumanitiesEnglish