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CorporalKudu2850 Read the Reading Responses below to article…Read the Reading Responses below to article to help you better understand what makes a successful argument. Write a short reflection on what you’ve learned from the reading response that will be helpful to you in a rebuttal essay.  The essay’s main argument is that blaming the government for the obesity epidemic is the wrong course of action. The author contends that people should be held accountable for their dietary decisions, which are greatly influenced by the food industry’s marketing and the accessibility of processed foods. The author also urges a change in emphasis from macronutrients to diet quality.In advancing the argument, the author effectively uses logos, pathos, and ethos. The author uses logos to support the idea that excessive sugar consumption is the main factor contributing to obesity. For instance, the author cites scientific studies that demonstrate a significant link between sugar consumption and obesity rates. By highlighting the value of taking responsibility for one’s actions and the harmful effects of obesity on people’s health, the author also makes use of pathos. By detailing his background in nutritional science and including citations to research studies that support his claims, the author concludes by establishing his ethos. The essay does not attempt to use false or unbalanced rhetoric.The author uses examples to show how focusing solely on macronutrients, like the low-fat craze, is incorrect. The low-fat craze, according to the author, is analogous to a fire department that only attends to putting out small fires while ignoring the main source of the fire. The author also employs evaluations by criticizing the food industry’s marketing strategies and their impact on dietary decisions.I thought the essay was well-written and informative. I liked how the author emphasized individual accountability and the value of healthy eating. The essay made me reevaluate how I perceived the causes of the obesity epidemic and the government’s responsibility to address it. What possible role could the government play in promoting a healthy diet and countering the food industry’s power? I’d also like to learn more about the methods people can employ to counteract the influence of the food industry and make better dietary decisions.I am unable to speak from personal experience, but I can recognize how culture and marketing have an impact on dietary preferences. Making healthy food choices can be difficult due to the food industry’s marketing strategies and the accessibility of processed foods, and reducing the obesity epidemic solely through individual responsibility may not be sufficient.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish