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Knijah0823 Read the paragraphs below and answer the following questions  …Read the paragraphs below and answer the following questions Image transcription textThe greatest activist in America go down in history for not justtheir actions towards a cause more so their historical writings,communicated through speech or passage. Weather st… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textfreedom in. Freedom for who is Lumoral, in that era it is not thefreedom of the African American male, female nor child. Xfurthers his argument of governmental conspiracy by f… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWeather agreed upon approach to emotion X continuously makesstrong argumentative statements enraging the A?ican nation inresponse to his ?ght for desegregation. He continues … Show more… Show moreIntroduction: Does the introduction place the text in the context of its time? In what ways could the introduction introduce the main focus of the analysis or the text being analyzed more fully and completely? Thesis: Here, we are looking for a clear explanation of what the analysis of the text will show us about the text. Look for the claim and the reasons that support this claim. Does the author clearly list the rhetorical tools that make the text persuasive? What could be added to make the thesis better?Body Paragraphs, Point: Read each body paragraph and then skim over their topic sentences (first sentence of the paragraph). Look for two major points here. Do the topic sentences clearly state the main idea of the paragraphs and do they help readers make a clear logical connection between the point of the paragraph and the thesis? List the paragraphs that need clearer topic sentences here, and give specific suggestions. Body Paragraphs, Evidence: Look back through each paragraph again and analyze how the author uses textual evidence. List the paragraphs that need textual evidence to support their main idea and give specific suggestions here. Body Paragraphs, Explanation: Now, look at the ends of each paragraph and analyze how the author concludes each paragraph. Look for a sentence or two that sums up how the information in the paragraph supports the thesis. List the paragraphs where the author needs to revise their explanations and give specific suggestions here.Conclusion: How might they sum up their argument more effectively? Arts & HumanitiesEnglish