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Read “Template for Essay 1”
Watch the video on “The Guide” to Essay 1
Write and submit a Rough Draft of Essay 1
Write and submit a Final Version of Essay 1

video: 1.





I. (One Paragraph)

Present the author and title of the essay. Be exact.
Describe the topic of the essay (what is the general subject of the essay):
Thesis Statement (For a Summary Paper, your TS should present the MAIN IDEA of the essay):


II. Body (Two or Three Paragraphs

Repeat this structure for all body paragraphs, using different ideas and example


Topic Sentence (summarize one idea from Murray’s essay)
Examples/Details/Explanations (Describe a specific example from Murray’s essay in the following manner):
A (Describe the example you have chosen).
B (Explain what is important about the example).
C (Explain how example relates to the idea in the topic sentence).


III. Conclusion (One Paragraph)

Restate the MAIN idea of Murray’s essay.
Provide your opinion about the ideas of Murray’s essay. Make sure you discuss at least one idea and one example.

Essay #1: Summary of “How Doctors Die”

Summary Essay for part one



Sometimes, the central idea of an essay is in the introduction, and the supporting ideas are presented one-by-one in the following paragraphs. Frequently, however, the thesis, or central idea, is implied or suggested. Thus, you will have to work harder to figure out what the author wants their readers to understand. Whether or not the main idea is stated or implied, a good summary always can present it, explain it, and connect it to the supporting details.

Your task in this paper is to summarize the main idea of Murray’s essay. You will do this in the first paragraph of your paper. Along with finding and expressing the central idea of Murray’s text, you will then analyze key supporting details in the body paragraphs of your essay. Finally, in the conclusion, you will use the evidence you have summarized to provide your thoughts about the main idea of the article.

Writing Task

Write a summary essay that accurately presents Murray’s main ideas along with some key supporting details.


A two-to-three-page formal essay in Times New Roman with one-inch margins, page numbers, and descriptive title. MLA format must be used. See the MLA examples on Blackboard.
Upload your paper in a .doc, .pdf format to Blackboard

Grading Ojectives

Create a clear identification of your article’s argument and purpose
Build and organize your paper by effectively using a catchy title, clear introduction, body, and solid conclusion
Eliminate wordiness and grammatical errors
Do not rewrite the original piece
Use your own wording (only 2 words per sentence from Murray’s essay)
Refer to the central and main ideas of the original piece
Defend your opinion about the article in conclusion