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Teenagers and their computer addiction


It is no secret that technology and computers have become an essential component of our everyday lives in the current digital era. These gadgets, which range from computers and game consoles to smartphones and tablets, provide various options for communication, education, and enjoyment. While there are unquestionably many technical advantages, it has also given birth to certain worries, particularly about youngsters and their computer addiction. The phrase “computer addiction” describes the excessive and obsessive use of computers, which frequently has a detrimental impact on a teen’s life in many other areas. It is crucial to remember that not all teens who use computers often become computer addicts. This essay examines the root causes of young people’s computer addiction, taking into account issues like escapism, socializing, and the impact of technology on adolescent brain development. By casting light on this complicated issue, we can endeavor to identify the right solutions and encourage youngsters to use computers more healthily.


The temptation of escape offered by the digital world is one of the main causes of young people being addicted to computers. The difficulties and stress of real-life events may be avoided using the internet, social media, and video games. “Hence, teens use excessive online gaming as a coping strategy for life problems. Video games serve as a form of escape and a way to numb distress and discomfort” (2021). Some people use computers as a coping mechanism for stress, anxiety, or inadequacy because the virtual world enables them to construct an idealized character or find solace in created realities. For example, with the help of Virtual Oasis, people may temporarily escape reality and explore fantastical places while also making new friends and pursuing their aspirations. Before tackling obstacles in the real world with newfound vigor, this virtual refuge offers comfort, inspiration, and recharge. It is critical to remember that while virtual reality might provide a momentary haven, it shouldn’t be used as a substitute for experiences and relationships that can only be had in real life. Overuse of virtual reality as a form of escape can cause social isolation or a disregard for obligations in the real world. Real-world involvement and virtual experiences must coexist in a healthy balance. Virtual reality may be a potent tool for momentary relaxation and enjoyment. Still, it is important to keep in mind that tackling the underlying issues and tensions of daily life is necessary to achieving permanent satisfaction and fulfillment.


Online communication and social media platforms have revolutionized how young people engage and create relationships. However, a heavy reliance on online communication might result in computer addiction. “In everyday life, the Internet is an expedient tool to search for information, to shop online and it serves to communicate with individuals all over the world” (Wegman & Brand). It is essential to remember that not everyone who uses these types of online communication will get addicted. But other people can be more vulnerable because of internal variables, including a propensity for addictive habits, unresolved mental health problems, or a scarcity of meaningful offline activities. It is important to strike a balance between online and offline activities and to be aware of how much time is spent on digital platforms. For example, online communication platforms often incorporate likes, comments, shares, and notifications that cause the brain to produce dopamine. A neurotransmitter linked to reward and pleasure is dopamine. A feedback loop that reinforces the activity and fosters addictive tendencies can be created by the expectation of getting social validation through likes, comments, or messages. A thorough approach is necessary to comprehend addiction, one that takes the interaction of biological, psychological, and social elements into account. Although dopamine plays a significant part in the brain’s reward system, many other factors add to the intricacy of addiction.


Adolescence is an important phase in brain development when neuroplasticity is at its highest level. The cognitive functions, attention span, and emotional control may all be significantly impacted by prolonged exposure to digital technology during this stage. “Adolescents were risk machines who lacked the decision-making powers of a fully developed prefrontal cortex—and liable to harm themselves and others as a result” (Abrams). Teenagers may have less self-control due to the continual barrage of stimuli from screens, which makes them more vulnerable to addiction. Additionally, using computers may interfere with the brain’s reward circuitry’s natural development and activate a dopamine-driven rewards system, which would reinforce addictive behaviors. For instance, teenagers’ cognitive development might be hampered by compulsive computer use and addiction. A lack of participation in real-world activities may result from excessive online or video game use, which reduces possibilities for problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. This may impede the formation of cognitive abilities needed for academic performance and intellectual development. It is fundamental to remember that the severity of the impacts of computer addiction on brain development may differ from person to person and may depend on a variety of variables, including the precise activities carried out, the frequency and length of computer usage, and a person’s vulnerability. However, for the best mental development of teenagers, it is essential to be aware of the possible negative effects of excessive computer usage and to encourage a good balance between online and offline activities.


In conclusion, the growth of virtual platforms as escapists have given people, especially teenagers, a haven from the difficulties of the actual world. These online settings provide chances for interaction, self-expression, and discovery. However, it’s crucial to understand that teenage brain development may be negatively impacted by an over-dependence on these digital distractions. The appeal of virtual experiences may impede the growth of important social and cognitive abilities, interpersonal communication, and emotional intelligence. Striking a balance between digital escape and real-world experiences is essential, encouraging a comprehensive view of technology usage that enables teenagers to form healthy routines and thrive in both the digital and physical spheres. Adolescents can navigate the digital world while simultaneously developing their growth and well-being in the real world by encouraging a balanced approach to technology use. To enable children to make educated decisions and develop a positive connection with virtual platforms, it is essential to educate kids about ethical and thoughtful technology usage. Ultimately, we can mold a generation prepared to succeed in both the digital age and the intricacies of the real world by identifying and addressing the impact of escapism on teenage brain development.