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Quiz 6: Analyzing the Researched Evidence,  also called  Primary…

Quiz 6: Analyzing the Researched Evidence, 

also called Primary Research


Read through the survey below, but don’t “do” the survey. Then, below the red asterisks, answer the 5 items on page 2 which correspond to the 5 survey questions. Leave your answers in bold or coloured font before saving your file. 

Food Banks

1. How would you personally rate the importance of food banks in Canadian society?  

   not important __     important __     very important __     very very important __          

2. Are you?          a. Male __    b. Female __

3. Do you think that Food Insecurity in Toronto 2023, Toronto Public Health report should be emailed, mass published, and sent to every home in Toronto?

                                    a. Yes __                   b. No __

4. Do you think that people who use food banks can eventually overcome their difficulties and manage to become food independent after using food bank resources for as long as they need them?

                                    a. No, food bank users don’t want to find employment.

                                    b. Yes, food bank users simply need temporary support.

                                    c. Maybe. I don’t know. I know I wouldn’t hire one of them.

5. You wouldn’t want a food bank in your neighbourhood, and maybe even on

your street, would you? 


a. No, I don’t want their clients in my neighborhood.


b. Who cares? It doesn’t matter to me. If they move in, I will move out.


c. Definitely not. If they move in, I will move out.


d. Why not? Everyone needs whatever they need to get by. In this case,

    neighbours just need to chill out.


Answer the 5 items below


Below, choose the most accurate critical comment about each of the 5 survey questions found on page 1. Leave your answers in bold or red font.


a. There is a problematic imbalance in the response options that will distort the

     survey results, so the response options need to be revised.


b. The question is simply too obvious: it should be deleted because everyone

     believes this issue is “very very important”.


c. This question is boring. Survey questions should be interesting and fun.


a. These two response options are inadequate; other options should be provided or

     else some respondents will be excluded from the survey.


      b. Researchers should never ask personal questions, so delete this one. 


      c. This question offends me. It’s offensive and irrelevant, no matter what the research

          question, so the question should be deleted.


a. This question is somewhat racist, actually.


b. This question assumes that respondents know what the report titled Food Insecurity

    in Toronto 2023, Toronto Public Health is. Many, if not most would never have

    heard of it, and so the question should be revised or supplemented with an



      c. Yes-or-no questions, like this one, are unprofessional and have no place in

          empirical research, so this question must be deleted. 


4. a. This question is fine as it is.


     b. There are far too many words in this question. Survey questions must be no more

          than 6 words long, but this one has 5 times as many, so this question should either

          be deleted or greatly shortened.


     c. This is a double-barreled question and must be revised.


5. a. This question is a leading question and should be revised to ensure it is neutral.


     b. This question is hurtful, and it is wrong to hurt people’s feelings, so it should be



     c. The question must be revised because people never really know what they “want”.