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UltraMoonBear6     Questions: Lachtman, Gonzalez, & Alvarez  Make sure to… Image transcription text24 25 The Homeland, Aztian / A otro Mexico The Homeland,Aatlan / 8 orro Mexico Mtro el mar atacar This is my home lacerca en Border Field Park this thin edge of con sus bu… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text20 27 The Homeland, Astlin / El otro Mexico The Homeland,Aatlan / El otro Mexico who align themselves with whites. Tensiongrips the inhabitants Con sus ocho tribus salferon of t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text28 29 The Homeland, Azlan / El otro Mexico The Homeland,Aztlan / El otro Mexico El destierro / The Lost Land In 1846, theU.S. incited Mexico to war. U.S. troops invad- ed and oc… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text30 The Homeland, Axtlan / I otro Mexico The Homeland, Axtlan /El otro Mexico dos-we were jerked out by the roots, truncated,disemboweled, In the 1930s, after Anglo agribusiness … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text33 The Homeland, Artlan / E otro Mexico The Homeland, Aatlan /F otro Mexico her unknown mother just before the mother dies.South of the border, called North America’s rubbish du… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text34 35 The Homeland, Aztlan / El otro Mexico The Homeland,Aztlin / E ofro Mexico in the ground or mounted on Border Patrolvans. Cornered by helplessness. As a refugec, she leav… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textHow to Tame a Wild Tongue “We’re going to have to controlyour tongue,” the dentist says, pulling out all the metal frommy mouth. Silver bits plop and tinkle into the basin. M… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text76 77 How to Tame a Wild Tongue How to Tame a Wild Tonguetodavia bablas ingles con un ‘accent,” my mother would say,Oye como ladra: el lenguaje de la frontera } ;- ..; mortif… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text78 79 How to Tame a Wild Tongue How to Tame a Wild TongueMy “home” tongues are the languages I speak with mysister Chicano Spanish and brothers, with my friends. … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text80 81 How to Tame a Wild Tongue How to Tame & WildTongue emociona, unless we picked up Spanish from Latinas, outof a monolingual Chicana whose first language is Engli… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text82 83 How to Tame a Wild Tongue How to Tame a Wild Tongue aChicano in print. When I saw poetry written in Tex-Mex for thealso adapted from the Germans, who in turn had borro… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text84 How to Tame a Wild Tongue How to Tame a Wild Tongue Si lepregantas a mi mama, “;Que eres?” Chicanos andother people of color suffer economically for not accul… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text217 To live in the Borderlands means you To live in theBorderlands means the mill with the razor white teeth wants toshred off are neither bispana india negra espanola you… Show more… Show more Questions: Lachtman, Gonzalez, & Alvarez Make sure to CITE from the text in questions that call for citations. A complete citation includes a PAGE NUMBER.  1. In his essay “Culture, Language, and the Americanization of Mexican Children,” the well-known Chicano historian Gilbert Gonzalez (1997) notes that educational programs for Mexican American children during the first half of the twentieth century were explicitly designed to produce a form of “[a]ssimilation [that] involved … the elimination of linguistic and cultural differences [and] an entire culture that assimilation advocates deemed undesirable” (163). Angela’s experiences in the classroom reflect this history? Cite one or more specific examples from the Lachtman selections.  2. Based on Luis Alvarez’s introduction to “Zoot Violence in Los Angeles,” how do his research and analysis build upon and complicate previous historians’ accounts of the so-called “zoot suit riots”? Cite from the text to support your answer.  3. Discuss the role of the police in the so-called “zoot suit riots.” Use two or more appropriately-contextualized citations from the text to support your discussion.  4. Using examples from the text, explain why we need to understand the so-called “zoot suit riots” as motivated by race, rather than exclusively by style or habitus. Also, given the clear racial patterns in these conflicts, how does Alvarez explain the fact that the (white) mobs in Los Angeles also attacked several white zoot suiters?  5. What does Alvarez say about the ways in which ideologies of gender and sexuality contributed to the hostilities that ultimately led to the “zoot suit riots”? Cite from the text and explain your answer.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish