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Questions for the Article: 5 Black Memphis Cops Upheld…

Questions for the Article: 5 Black Memphis Cops Upheld Institutional and Cultural Racism in Fatal Attack Of Tyre Nichols

According to the author, how could racism have anything to do with five Black police officers killing an unarmed Black man given that all the people involved were Black?




What was America’s original law enforcement? Why might this create a system of Anti-Blackness?




What is the Scorpion Unit an acronym for? Juxtapose the name ‘Scorpion Unit’ with what it stands for: why might the name be problematic for what the unit is supposed to do?   




According to Attorney, Ben Crump, how did the Scorpion Unit behave when pulling over an unarmed Black man five days prior to the Nichols beating?




Break down how cultural racism in the policing profession might work (and how it might be a cycle)?




What three ‘cultures’ do some police officers try and resist?





What strategies do Police abolitionists want to take in addressing changes in law enforcement? Do you agree? What are some pros and cons regarding their approach?




Questions for the Article: Not Every Atrocity Is About White Supremacy

Explain LeBron James’s tweet that “WE ARE OUR OWN WORSE ENEMY!” after the Tyre Nichols tragedy.





How does the author distinguish between a more traditional sense of white supremacy and how the term has been used in the past decade or so? Why does the author make this distinction? How have some on the left adopted this term after the George Floyd murder?     





What does the author mean when he writes that, “for some on the left, whiteness and white supremacy retain their explanatory power even when white people are nowhere to be seen?” Given the article’s title, why do you think the author mentions this?






How did the author’s mother and father explain what had happened to Tyre Nichols? How might this contradict that systemic racism is to blame for what happened?                





How did the author respond to Jones’s headline? What did he mean by, “Twitter is an amazing prism because you can watch fringe epistemologies congeal into orthodoxy in real time.” Look up any words you do not know.





The author mentions a specific passage in James Baldwin’s 1985 book, The Evidence of Things Not Seen. Paraphrase Baldwin’s meaning. The author also mentions Baldwin’s, Notes of a Native Son. Paraphrase Baldwin’s meaning in that passage as well.

The Evidence of Things Not Seen:


Notes of a Native Son:




Towards the end of the article, what does the author mean by “infantilizing logic”? Why is this an important point for him? What does he say we should remain skeptical of?





Which article do you more agree with more, and why? Discuss both sides before explaining your stance.