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QUESTION: Directions : Read the passage and answer the questions…


Directions: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.


Food Miles: Your Food, Your Health, and the Climate
By Ted Carmichael


(A) Many people are surprised to learn that much of the food they buy at the grocery store does not come from a farmer’s field just down the road. Today, the typical American meal contains ingredients from at least five countries outside the United States and travels an average of 1,500 “food miles” to get on consumers’ plates. And most people fail to realize that the distance food travels has serious consequences for the climate and personal health.

(B) The manner in which food is imported into the United States significantly affects the climate of the planet. Foods from overseas travel several hundred food miles via several modes of transportation, each one increasing air pollution levels. For example, in 2005, the import of fruits, nuts, and vegetables into the state of California by airplane released more than 70,000 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the equivalent of having 12,000 cars on the road.

(C) By increasing the levels of pollution in the atmosphere, food imports also negatively impact human health. Numerous pollution studies have found that asthma rates are higher in areas close to transportation facilities. The higher levels of pollution near truck thoroughfares, seaports, and air terminals are directly linked to increased asthma cases.


Source: “Food Miles: How Far Your Food Travels Has Serious Consequences for Your Health and the Climate.” Natural Resources Defense Council. 2007. Web. 19 Apr. 2012.


1. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Most foods are imported, which leads to air pollution and climate problems.

B. Food miles seriously impact personal health and the climate of the planet.

C. Most foods travel an average of 1,500 miles to get to consumers’ plates.


2. Identify the major supporting details from the passage. Check all that apply.

A. Foods from overseas travel several hundred food miles via several modes of transportation, each one increasing air pollution levels.

B. Many people are surprised to learn that much of the food they buy at the grocery store does not come from a farmer’s field just down the road.

C. The higher levels of pollution near truck thoroughfares, seaports, and air terminals are directly linked to increased asthma cases.

D. By increasing the levels of pollution in the atmosphere, food imports also negatively impact human health.


Directions: Read the following paragraph and two paraphrases. Then identify the better paraphrase and its qualities by answering the questions that follow.

               Kombai Culture


By Eder Pires

The Kombai, a Melanesian tribe of tree dwellers from Western New Guinea, have what some would consider unusual cultural practices. For instance, in Kombai culture, pigs are a form of currency, used to pay for goods and settle debts. Yet another unique element of the Kombai culture is their practice of sacrificing pigs to settle arguments within the tribe. The pig’s legs are tied together and it is taken to a riverbank where it is shot with arrows. The animal is skinned, and its fat is offered to the Kombai god, Refafu.


Source: “World’s Lost Tribes—Kombai Facts.” Discovery Channel. Discovery Communications, 2010. Web. 17 Jan. 2012.


Paraphrase A Paraphrase B
The Kombai are a Melanesian tribal people from Western New Guinea. They have weird cultural practices. Pigs are used to pay any debt that might have caused an argument. Pigs are also used to buy and sell things. The Kombai kill pigs by a river and offer their skin to a god called Refafu. The pig is shot with arrows, and its feet are tied together. These cultural practices are odd and violent. In the article “Kombai Culture,” Eder Pires states that the Kombai, a tree-dwelling Melanesian tribe from New Guinea, have some cultural practices that some might think are strange. The Kombai use pigs as money to buy and sell things. They often resolve arguments by killing a pig. The Kombai take the pig to a river where they tie its legs and shoot it with arrows. Then they skin the pig and offer its fat to their god, Refafu.


3. The better paraphrase is ————-  because it has which of the following qualities? Check all that apply.

A. It uses the original writer’s words and sentence structure.

B. It does not include personal comments or interpretations.

C. It includes the major and minor supporting details.

D. It identifies the writer of the original article and gives the title of the piece.

E. It is significantly longer than the original.


Directions: Read each quotation in the following table and select whether it is an indirect quotation or a direct quotation.

Quotation Indirect Direct  
4. Championship gymnast Lien Mai states, “America has some of the best athletes in the world.”      
5. My grandmother tells me that her childhood in Poland during World War II was heartbreaking.      
6. Dr. Abraham Verghese says that physicians need to focus more on physical exams and less on technology.      
7. Actress Jenny McCarthy states that vaccinations cause children to develop autism.      
8. According to sociologist Anne Marks, “Deviant behavior is not always negative; it’s just different.”      

Directions: Read the scenario and pick an answer from the bracket to select which type of quotation would work best for this student’s paper .


ANDRE: “I’m writing a literary analysis of ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ by T. S. Eliot for my poetry class, and I have to include quotations. I’m not sure if I should directly quote lines from the poem or if I should indirectly quote the main points. What type of quotation is best in this case?”


Andre should use—–9—( indirect quotations / direct quotations ) because his readers —10—- (need to see which lines of the poem he is analyzing  / are probably already familiar with the poem)   .


Directions: Review the direct quotations in the following table and select whether each has been written correctly or incorrectly.

Quotation Correct Incorrect  
11. “Implanting subcutaneous tracking devices in children,” writes Detective Williams. “Can greatly reduce the danger of kidnapping.”      
12. Economist Theresa Silver writes “It may be years before we begin to see a healthy upswing in the economy.”      
13. “Unfortunately, some parents are adamantly opposed to such monitoring,” she continues. “Because of this, there may never be an official program.”      
14. The angry environmental protester smashed the windshield of a large SUV while screaming, “Stop climate change now!”      


Directions: Look at the APA documentation in each of the following citations and answer the questions about them.


Jones, C. (2009, January 16). Obesity on the rise in Mississippi. Diabetes Weekly, 31(1), 24.


15. This is ——– ( in-text  / end) documentation.


16. What type of source is this?

A. Book with two authors

B. Print magazine article

C. Online newspaper article


On Diana Krall’s Web site, she writes that she feels like her new album, Quiet Nights, is “very womanly” (“Diana Krall Bio,” 2009).


17. This is —— ( in-text  / end) documentation.


18. What type of source is this?

A. Paraphrase of magazine article

B. Quote from online source

C. Magazine article


Cartigan, K., Brown, M. (2007). Aboriginal people in Canada.: Scribner & Jones.


19. What is missing from the APA end documentation of this book with two authors? Check all that apply.

A.Place of publication

B. Authors’ full first names

C. &

D. Publication date