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AgentStarPony2787  . Question 1 Choose the properly punctuated sentence. {:2- a,…Image transcription textQuestion 1 Choose the properly punctuated sentence. {:2- a, Theysaw sis. old airplanes. {:3 in, They saw six old airplanes. … Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 2 Choose the properly punctuated sentence. O a. Thedog had it’s front leg caught securely in the trap. O b. The dog hadits front leg caught securely in the trap…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 3 Choose the properly punctuated sentence. O a. Makesure you’re ready when we get there. O b, Make sure your readywhen we get there…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 4 Choose the properly punctuated sentence. O a. Hewants pizza, she wants tacos. O b. He wants pizza; she wantstacos…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 5 Choose the properly punctuated sentence. a, Leavethe premises immediately – or else. O b. Leave the premises,immediately or else…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 6 Choose the properly punctuated sentence. O a, I can’tbelieve, I ate the whole thing. O b. I can’t believe I ate the wholething…. Show moreImage transcription textChoose the properly punctuated sentence. O a. We were ready ontime, however the plane was delayed. O b. We were ready ontime; however, the plane was delayed…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 8 Choose the properly punctuated sentence. O a. Johnpurchased three items on the grocery list: peas, carrots, andlicorice. O b. John purchased three items on the groce… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 9 Choose the properly punctuated sentence. O a, I likedMatt Nathanson before he got famous. O b. I liked MattNathanson before, he got famous…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 10 Choose the properly punctuated sentence, O a. Dowe really need to go there; or can we stay here? O b. Do we reallyneed to go there, or can we stay here?… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 11 Choose the properly punctuated sentence. O a. Helikes to use the saying, “The darkest hour is right before thedawn.” O b. He likes to use the saying; “Th… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 12 Choose the properly punctuated sentence. (:1- a.Helen Keller once wrote: “Humanity. I am sure. will never bemade lazy or indifferent by an excess of happiness.&qu… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 13 Choose the properly punctuated sentence. O a. Hefound a flashlight and carefully entered the dark attic. O b. Hefound a flashlight, and carefully entered the dark attic…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 14 Choose the properly punctuated sentence. a, Hewrites novels, but she writes poetry. O b. He writes novels but shewrites poetry…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 15 Choose the properly punctuated sentence. O a.Carol Ann likes her naive sweet roommate best. O b. Carol Annlikes her naive, sweet roommate best…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 16 Choose the properly punctuated sentence. O a.About 1,500 people turned out for an anti-gang-violence walk onSaturday O b. About 1,500 people turned out for an an… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 1? Choose the properly punctuated sentence. .1:- s. Thecalendar app: which you can use on your phone was designed forbusy parents. .::j:- b, The calendar app: which you can u… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 18 Choose the properly punctuated sentence. O a. Ourneighbors have an old Ford, and it’s just about to fall apart. O b.Our neighbors have an old Ford, and its just about to fall apart…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 19 Choose the properly punctuated sentence. a, It’stime to eat kids. O b. It’s time to eat, kids…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 20 Choose the best answer. Use a dictionary if you needto. All sorts of artists and crafters peddle / pedal their wares atthe festival…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 21 Choose the best answer. Use a dictionary if you needto. They were testing to find out the medicine’s side affects /effects…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 22 Choose the best answer. Use a dictionary if you needto. It’s hard to peddle / pedal a bicycle up that hill…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 23 Choose the best answer. Use a dictionary if you needto. He wanted to know how the medicine would affect / effect himbefore he drove anywhere…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 24 Choose the best answer. Use a dictionary if you needto. The school’s princpal / principle is retiring at the end of theyear…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 25 Choose the best answer. Use a dictionary if you needto. The green in that wallpaper really compliments / complementsthe room’s rug…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 26 Choose the best answer. Use a dictionary if you needto. The dogs love to go outside and lay / lie in the grass…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 27 Choose the best answer. Use a dictionary if you needto. Lay / Lie those files in my inbox, please…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 28 Identify the cliche. Larissa is counting the days untilshe leaves for Rome…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 29 Identify the cliche. The speech was full ofpie-in-the-sky platitudes…. Show moreImage transcription textQuestion 30 Identify the cliche. Even though it was raining catsand dogs, the parade marched as scheduled…. Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish