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Qualitative Mock Study Worksheet Part 1 – Research Alignment  …

Qualitative Mock Study Worksheet Part 1 – Research Alignment


State the problem, including the consequence(s) of the problem. Remember: Without a consequence, you don’t have a problem; you have a situation. Write your problem on a new line below.

Example: The problem is [state the problem], resulting in [state the consequence]. 


The problem is the required years of experience for entry-level positions, which causes students to be frustrated after graduating from college because they are unable to obtain a position in their field of expertise after many years of study.[A1] 

Purpose of the Study

The purpose statement describes the goal of the study and includes the following elements: the purpose of the study, the subjects/population who will participate in the study, the geographic location of the study, and the research methodology used in the study. Write your purpose statement on a new line below.

Example: The purpose of this qualitative [research design] study is to [state the purpose of your study].

This proposed qualitative exploratory study aims to explore why industries require years of experience for entry-level positions and what options are available for recent graduate students who do not possess that requirement but are capacitated with knowledge. The population expected to participate in the study is human resource personnel from industries with entry-level positions requiring years of experience. The expected research method for this qualitative exploratory study is interviewing human resource personnel. The result of the study would help industries consider changes to this requirement and students be more prepared at the time of graduation to land a job in their area of expertise.

Research Questions Research Question 

The research questions are overarching questions that will guide your qualitative study. Sometimes researchers incorporate a single central research question, while other times, multiple research questions are used. If a single research question is used, at least two research sub-questions should also be included. See the CDS Dissertation Guide and Alignment Handbook in CDS Central for some additional information and examples. Write your research questions on a new line below.

Examples of how research questions could begin:

In what ways…?


RQ1. What are the process owners’/managers’ perceptions of factors contributing to the process issues?

RQ2. What are the employees’ perceptions of factors contributing to the process issues? 

RQ3. What changes can be implemented to create prospective process improvement while best meeting the needs of employees?

RQ4. What types of experience do companies require for entry-level positions? Feuerherm, T. M. (2009).

RQ5. How many years of experience do companies require for an entry-level job? Feuerherm, T. M. (2009). 

RQ6. What are your requirements for experience for this job? Maynard, D. C. (1998).

RQ7. Are there any limits you place on how much education or experience an applicant can have and still be considered for the position? Maynard, D. C. (1998).[A2] [A3] 


Review and Analyze your Alignment

Now review your problem, purpose, and research question(s). Be sure that you have used proper qualitative word choices (as discussed in previous weeks). Briefly explain how your problem, purpose, and research question(s) align. Write your response on a new line below.

The SPL[A4]  possesses the personal qualities and practices that enhance the ability to build effective relationships and, thus, personal, and professional networks. SPL: Leadership is more art than science. From the perspective of the SPL, leadership is seen as an idea that would advance the potential and possibilities of the community of practice. The SPL understands that a recipe of knowledge, skills, and leadership abilities will determine how we go about solving problems or responding to opportunities. The SPL manages this complexity by forging a common purpose, objective, or vision aimed at solving the problem or seizing the opportunity at hand and building relationships around these ever-emerging problems and opportunities. In practice, leadership is messy. The SPL mixes his or her knowledge, skills, and leadership abilities to create a regenerating flywheel of ideas, solutions, and support.

My research could be important to the scholarly community because it could help bridge the gap between what employers want and what academic programs offer. My study might be significant for practitioners in my field of study because it will give them a different perspective on staffing requirements for all entry-level positions. My study might be important for the leaders in my field because it will help them understand how their current hiring process affects recently graduated students seeking employment in their field of expertise by giving advantages to employees who already have work experience and could move up to a mid-level career or regular leadership position. The result of the study would help industry leaders in the human resources area consider changes to this requirement, and students would be more prepared at the time of graduation to land a job in their area of expertise while at the same time closing the gap between the academic community and the field environment.




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 [A1]This is not a problem statement for a qualitative study. Please revise and use the following: “…entry-level positions, resulting in frustration among college graduates, as they are unable to obtain….”.  Please do not use “…, which causes students….”. You are not identifying a cause-and-effect problem in qualitative research, and I think I gave you this feedback on your discussion post problem statement, too, but I did not grade those before this worksheet was due. Non the less, try to revise your problem statement before submitting worksheet-2.

 [A2]These two questions do not seem to be the overarching research questions for the study, but rather, questions you might ask participants. There is a difference in the research questions for the study, which are developed to predict the purpose and the research questions that participants are asked, which flow logically in thought and ideas from the problem, purpose, and research questions, but are the methods, the questionnaires, the interview questions, and the observations. 

 [A3]Incorrect citation format for RQ4 – RQ6. 

 [A4]What is SPL? You must define each definition upon its first use and then, you can use the definition throughout your writing, once defined. Please see APA (7th ed.).

 [A5]All references in the reference list must be cited in the body of the text. As well, all references cited in the body of the text must be included in the reference list. Many references in the reference list are incorrectly formatted and I encourage you to consult with the writing center on these errors, as you continue to receive point reductions for the errors. 





Qualitative Mock Study Worksheet Part 2 – Ethical Considerations


Role of the Researcher

Using your mock study topic as an example, explain the role of the researcher in qualitative research. 

Access to Participants

Think about what participants you might be interested in interviewing or observing for the qualitative mock study. Describe how you will gain access to these participants, including any relevant steps needed to gain permission to access these individuals. Write your response on a new line below.

Ethical Considerations 

Discuss any additional ethical considerations in your qualitative mock study. Think about aspects of confidentiality, credibility, etc. Write your response on a new line below.
