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Q11. List 4 (FOUR) ways that you can identify and collaborate with…

Q11. List 4 (FOUR) ways that you can identify and collaborate with your supervising teacher when identifying the individual learning requirements of students?


Q12. What are 3 (THREE) ways you can identify existing or potential learning barriers when working with students? 


Q13. When completing observations about a student’s behaviour/learning barrier, what type of information should you include? List a minimum of 6 (SIX)


Q14. How can you establish behaviour expectations with the students you are working with, under the guidance of the supervisor/classroom teacher? 


Q15. If you were working with a student that was having difficulty understanding a narrative story writing task, what are 2 (TWO) strategies you could implement to support their learning and understanding?


Q16. Under the guidance of teaching staff, you will often be required to modify class-based tasks with the students you are working with, depending on their individual learning requirements. How can you ensure that the modifications and resources you provide are suitable?


Q17. Regardless of the students we work with, it is vital that we consider the individual learning needs of each person. Describe 2 (TWO) ways you could implement and plan for these individual learning needs while completing a maths/fractions activity and the strategies you’d include.


Q18. When working with students in the classroom, we must always ensure we are providing an inclusive environment so that everyone feels safe, secure, and valued. By doing this we are trying to encourage and support students to gain a more positive self-esteem and self-concept of themselves. List 4 (FOUR) ways you can promote a positive self-concept and self-esteem amongst the students you work with.


Q19.  How can we ensure that the language, equipment, materials/resources and learning strategies we use will suit the needs of individual students, if they have learning barriers and are EAL? (English as Additional Language).


Q20. The school day can often be very busy, and timeframes do not always allow for flexibility when completing classroom tasks. Name 3 (THREE) tasks/activities/experiences that regularly take place which could allow students to practice new or emerging skills. 


Q21. Describe 2 (TWO) ways you can monitor student’s progress in the classroom and how you might inform the teaching staff of this on a regular basis.


Q22. When working with student/s in the classroom, how can you provide suggestions to teaching staff on ways that might improve learning opportunities for individual students?


Q23. You have been working with a particular student for a few weeks now, and you feel that you have gotten to know them well. However, in the last 2 days you’ve noticed a change in their behaviour, they have become very quiet and introverted and rarely want to engage with their peers. Why is it important that you report any uncharacteristic student behaviour to your teacher/supervisor in relation to any emotional wellbeing? Who in the school environment could you report or share this information with?


Q24. Using the list below, briefly describe each one in your own words and ONE (1) strategy you could implement to support any student/s that may be dealing with these conditions.


Psychological conditions
Social issues
Medical Issues

Q25. Describe what indicators to behaviours you may observe in relation to each of the below points:


Changes in perception of self-image – 
Physical symptoms, or frequent visits to the sick-bay area – 
Lack of interest in eating – 
Talking about death or suicide –

Q26. If you are providing written or verbal observations to your educational team to assist their planning for students requiring additional support, you would need to include information relating to the below points. Beside each point, describe an example of what you would need to include to inform your teaching team.

Behaviour support techniques
Individual peer support that has occurred
The arrangement of the learning area/space.