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Raising Immigration Awareness

Immigration is a universal problem that has existed for years. Immigration has a substantial role to play in the formation of the developed countries. Different people from across the world leave their countries mostly traveling on a dangerous journey through deserts, mountains, seas, and many borders fleeing from natural disasters and wars. They leave behind their family, cultures, support networks, and everything they have accustomed to. Finally, they arrive at their destination with so much joy that their dreams will soon be accomplished by hard work. However, they faced many uncertainties in adjusting to new laws and immigration status. Despite the stressful journey and uncertainties, they encountered, they never retreat but try to overcome their worries and create the best life possible for themselves and their families. This is a story of what we call perseverance and determination to attain a successful life. Illegal immigration is one of the major issues currently surrounding the United States. Although many Americans consider illegal immigrants as criminals who are a problem to the economy and the safety of legal citizens as a whole. 

Being an immigrant myself I was surprised to read about the ignorant of people towards immigrants. This ignorant has led many people to believe that immigrants in the United States are criminal who only wants to benefit from the system and take jobs away from the natives, but the reverse is actually the case. I believe it is best to enlighten this set of people while creating awareness among them that the United States needs immigrants and immigrants need the United States.

The animosity towards immigrants is so vile that people think immigrants have zero contributions to the development of the United States or they act as if they are ignorant of the history of immigration. This negativity made me ponder deeply and reasoned that could our generation be a generation of misanthropes or what. It wouldn’t hurt to take a look at the history of immigrants in this country because we find the tussle of hating immigrants and also treating them as a criminal, but still wanting them to be here. 

 According to the book The Criminal, “criminal euphemism expresses the suppression of the majority by the minority” (Tappan).This definition does not fit the description of these determined goal-getter immigrants. They are not criminals but harmless human beings who like everyone else dream of safe and greener pastures for their family. With that being said I believe that one who purposely breaks the law of the land while harming others should be persecuted according to the law without any empathy. Nonetheless, these illegal immigrants could have actually opted for different countries or illegal activities in their country of origin for sustenance, but they risk all for the American dream.

The belief of migrants coming to take native jobs has been proven by Economists that migrant labor is a complement to natives because Immigrants are more likely to move into sectors or language skills and customer or client-facing skills are not as important. In other words, natives with such skills are not easily displaced. This theory is an economist’s way of proving that migration can create more jobs than existed before. In the case of agriculture, for instance, migrant workers literally keep fruits from rotting on the ground. Also, I would like you to picture a busy restaurant order flying into the kitchen, and dishes getting piled up in the sink.  Now imagine migrant labor makes it easier for the business owner to find cheap dishwashers. 

In general, the United States was built on immigration, and it continues to be predominantly shaped by immigrants. According to the latest census estimates, more than 45 million immigrants lived in the United States accounting for almost 14% of the overall US population making the United States a land of immigrants but still treating them otherwise. According to Jennifer Hunt, “Migrants contribute to the economic growth of their host countries in many ways, bringing new skills and competencies with them and helping to reduce labor shortages.” 

In addition, Innovation makes the economy grow. Outstanding innovation from the first-generation immigrants today has helped the United States flourish in various aspects of growth. Immigrants like Russian Sergey Brin co-founder of Google, Taiwan Jerry Yang co-founder of Yahoo, and South African Elon Musk CEO of Tesla came from different parts of the world, these visionary immigrants used the abilities and opportunities they had to create companies that shaped not just the United States but the whole world (Bernstein, Shai, et al.). 

Yet, many people are calling for their deportation because they are criminals who crossed the border illegally or overstayed their visas. Have you ever thought how your fellow-born Americans Farmers would suffer economically and in business? As an immigrant student currently majoring in Information technology and hoping to be recruited to fill in the extreme shortage of American students in the STEM field. I have had both positive and negative experiences that remind me that I do not belong to the country.

Finally, the United States Immigration and nationality act shows that anyone can apply for asylum if they are physically present in the country. According to Mae Ngae, “Legalization recognizes that regardless of the mode of entry, migrants are members of society” (50). One might even deduce that the law even suggests that the United States is welcoming to migrants. The legalization process is the hope for most of these illegal immigrants because they mostly fled life-threatening issues like war, natural disasters, and gang prosecutions, but they are mostly not given the opportunity to begin the process due to lengthy delays and the broken immigration system. 

The hatred towards immigrants escalated gradually after 9/11 increasing the attacks on immigrants while attributing criminal behaviors towards them. Many immigrants are detained, deported, or even denied entrance through the border as discussion of immigration reform is still ongoing. These inhumane attacks have separated a lot of families, breaking the bond of children from their parents. APA President Jessica Henderson Daniel, Ph.D., “She warns that the policy of separating children from their caregivers is not only inhumane and cruel but threatens the mental and physical health of both children and their caregivers.” (Bobinac, Ana, et al.).

In conclusion, immigration most certainly creates challenges for some individuals. The research is clear that overall, it drives economic growth and creates more winners and losers in the receiving countries. Humanity should come first, breaking the law to escape war or violence should not write off migrants completely, rather a government program should be set aside to monitor their daily activities at work, school places, or residents for a couple of years. The government can also create a center where they can report weekly for self-evaluation before granting them permanent residency. 



Work Cited

Bernstein, Shai, et al. The contribution of high-skilled immigrants to innovation in the United States. No. w30797. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022.

Bobinac, Ana, et al. “Health effects in significant others: separating family and care-giving effects.” Medical Decision Making 31.2 (2011): 292-298.

Ngae, Mae. “Can we Remake a Broken Immigration System?” Academic Journal, Vol. 67 Issue 3, p44-51. 8p. Broken Immigration System, DOI: 10.1353/dss.2020.0056.

Tappan, Paul W. “Who is the Criminal?.” American Sociological Review 12.1 (1947): 96-102.








Topic Choice: Consider an issue, problem, subject, or situation that you believe not enough people are aware of/don’t understand.  The situation must be current, specific, relevant, debatable and grounded, and you must present at least one possible way of bringing this subject to more people’s awareness. 


        Current:  Your subject matters in today’s world, to people currently living in America.

        Specific: You can explain the importance of your subject and its effect within 4 to 5 pages

        Relevant: You can articulate the importance of this subject to a broad audience

        Debatable: Your subject is not obvious to all; you can explain WHY the topic needs more attention or is under-represented.

       Grounded: Your subject is researchable and based in the tangible world.  It is not a moral or religious topic.



Between 3 – 5 credible sources must be cited in & at the end of your paper.
At least one of your sources needs to come from one of our library databases.
You must summarize AND quote at least once in your essay
Only one “long quotation” is allowed in your essay.  You may summarize at will.
Remember to include signal phrases/introductions each time you summarize and directly quote.


Documentation:  MLA 9. Use The MLA 9 Handbook linked to on the homepage of our class for assistance.  You will be citing both inside and at the end of your essay.  


The Assignment:  “Awareness raising” is the act of drawing attention to an issue or problem. We “raise awareness” around an issue/topic so that it is more visible and obvious to the people in your community, city, state, and/or nation. Usually, people raise awareness of issues they find to be of immediate importance.  We raise awareness because you believe people need to understand how an issue impacts their lives and the lives of those they love. Your goal in this essay should be to make people understand the importance of a certain issue and find support to address it or fix it. You are not required to find or defend a solution to the issue/problem.  

Questions to answer in your essay:

What is the issue?
What makes you believe that not enough people are aware of the issue?
Why does this issue matter TO YOU?
How does this issue impact people in your community, city, country, region?
Who does it impact most?
What are some reasons this issue needs more attention?
What can you tell us about this issue so we understand it and its impact?
What is one way we can work to raise awareness around this issue?

Please remember that I will never give you a lower grade simply because I do not agree with you.  I grade on how well you are able to construct your argument – the evidence you provide and refute, the clarity in which you express yourself, the attention you give to language use, and the logic you utilize in organization.  Please see me with any questions.  WRITE ON!