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Project Topic: The Physiological and Psychological Effects of…

Project Topic: The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Stress on the Body



(relevant information/definition of terms & jargon)(assume an uninformed audience)


Statement of Purpose*

(what is it you are doing? how does this project fit our class’s competencies?) (why/how are you the best person to complete it?) (why is this important and necessary? basically: why should we care?)


Plan of Action

(what are the steps required to complete your project & how will you 
accomplish those steps)



why is your project important? what impact will it have  




1) What are the ethical implications of your project?


2) What are the political implications of your project?


3) What are the cultural implications of your project?


4) What current cultural circumstances right now contribute to the kairos of your project?


In what way is your project dependent upon or engaging with our current societal context? Is it reacting to/rejecting/contributing to our current societal context?



5) List at least 2 specific audiences your final product will automatically reach & briefly explain why. Carefully take into consideration age, personal tastes, background information like religion and social class, access, profession or educational level, etc.


6) Name an audience that might be interested in engaging with your project, and how you might thoughtfully and deliberately reach out to “net” them.


7) Name an audience/demographic that will very likely not engage with your product at all, or even, perhaps, be wildly offended by it, that you will not attempt to “net.”  Explain why it is in the best interest of your project to disregard/dump this audience? 


8) Do you have any personal biases (no matter how large or small) in the realm of your project’s subject matter/purpose/content/genre? Even if your bias doesn’t seem like it would affect the outcome of your project, list it here.


9) How will you work to establish credibility and work against these biases? Is there a way to demonstrate this to your audience? 


10) What is the purpose of your project? Inform, entertain, persuade, etc.? Be specific & detailed. How does it intersect with your topic? (ex: to inform & convince the public that vaccines are totally a super important thing for the love of god please don’t bring back the plague science is real I swear & it’s on a recycled leaflet) 


11) Write for specific rhetorical contexts, including circumstance, purpose, topic, audience and writer, as well as the writing’s ethical, political, and cultural implications.


12) What is your ethos for both content and genre/form?