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Problem/Solution Project Demonstrate that a problem in society that…

Problem/Solution Project

Demonstrate that a problem in society that should be addressed and propose possible solutions to that problem. Where you outline the problem, you need to help focus on the idea that it is not just a problem for a specific group, but for all of us. How does the problem affect you? kids? business? all aspects of life? By connecting problems to people, we make it more likely that change will happen. This unit will include multiple assignments based on your research.

Answer all the following questions as part of your submission before you begin on your Research Paper (Part 2):

Research Project Pre-Writing:

1. Who is your audience? What is your purpose for writing? (hint: it is not because your teacher told you to.) Is there a problem to be solved or a question to be answered?

2. What is your topic? Is it too broad or too narrow? Write questions you’d like to answer in your report.

3. Gather information on your topic; paste and highlight passages you would like to include in your paper; record information on your sources that will appear in the Works Cited page. Include the actual citations here so you won’t have to write it later.

4. Are your sources valid/scholarly/reliable? Does the author: identify him/herself? include contact information? list credentials? (5 sources minimum.)

5. Using your notes, write an outline including information you wish to include in your paper. Main topics should be placed in a logical order. Include supporting details and subtopics.

Here is a suggested format to follow. Fill in the details:

I. Introduction

A. Attention grabbing statement/statistics

B. Brief summary of the topic (just a few sentences)

II. The Problem (Identify it here)

A. For whom is this a problem? (individuals, cities, states, countries, etc. Name them)

B. Why it is a problem reason 1

1) Supporting detail
2) Supporting detail
3) etc.* 

C. Why it is a problem reason 2

D-? etc.

III. Solutions

A. Solution 1

1) Supporting detail
2) Supporting detail
3) etc.* 

B. Solution 2

C -? keep listing them and how they should be enacted.

IV. Conclusion

*You do not need to include more than two supporting details for those sections, but in your paper you will need supporting paragraphs for each of your details.

6. Create a title that captures the reader’s attention.