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MatePolarBearPerson906 Prior to writing your course paper in paragraph form, you will…Prior to writing your course paper in paragraph form, you will create a detailed outline for your paper in this assignment.  The outline should be organized similarly to the sample outline provided in this unit’s Readings and Resources section. See the attached document for complete instructions and grading rubric. A sample outline is also provided. An extra copy of this sample is also available under this week’s Readings and Resources. Submit your completed assignment to the above submission link by 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 5.Note: The outline is organized by Topic, Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. Within the Body, the content is organized by themes (sub-topics). TOPIC: Is Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) an Effective Treatment for Depression? I. INTRODUCTION A. Topic Sentence B. Further introduction of your topic a. Define (Symptoms of Depression. For example: According to the DSM-5 (2013), Major Depressive Disorder is characterized by depressed mood (sadness), decreased interest in daily activities, changes to weight and sleep patterns, feelings of worthlessness, etc.). b. Incidence (Numbers/Demographics. For example: Approximately 7% of U.S. adults have reported experiencing Major Depression. ( c. Relevance (Broader Implications; Mental Health crisis. For example: Depression takes a huge toll on individuals, families, and society. Impacts are seen in personal relationships, parenting, financial stability, and mortality (Kessler, 2012). II. BODY A. Theme 1: CBT is Effective for those with Mild Depression a. Topic Sentence: Numerous studies have shown CBT to be an effective treatment for mild Depression (citation). b. Evidence from articles c. Specifically, individuals with mild Depression significantly benefit from CBT (citation). Kline (year) showed that… B. Next Paragraph: Theme 1 continued (Additional Evidence that CBT is effective for those with mild Depression). a. Topic Sentence b. Evidence C. Next Paragraph: Theme 2: CBT and Major (severe) Depression a. Topic Sentence: Although CBT is effective for those with mild depression, those with more severe Depression may require both medication and CBT (citation). b. Evidence D. Next Paragraph: Theme 3: Conflicting Evidence* a. Topic Sentence: In contrast, other studies have failed to support the idea that CBT is an effective treatment for Depression (citation). b. Evidence *You may or may not find conflicting evidence related to your topic. If conflicting evidence is not relevant to your paper, then Theme 3 might be another sub-topic, such as the effectiveness of CBT versus meditation. III. Next Paragraph: Theme 4: CBT and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) A. Topic Sentence: a. Evidence B. CONCLUSION: a. Topic sentence b. Summary of main conclusions from paper c. Importance/Implications for human health/psychology d. Directions for future researchPrior to writing your course paper in paragraph form, you will create a detailed outline for your paper in this assignment. The outline should be organized similarly to the sample outline provided in this unit’s Readings and Resources section. *Please note that the sample is only a guide and does not go into much detail about certain things. Instructions: For this assignment, you will create an outline to begin the structure of your course paper. Your outline should be as detailed as possible. • Include an Introduction section, Body section, and Conclusion section. • The Body section should be organized according to themes you will discuss in your paper. • Include at least (4) scholarly sources you will use in your course paper. The scholarly source citations included must be in the sections in which you plan to discuss their content. Requirements: • Be detailed and thorough with your outline information and provide specific examples. For example, the sample outline says: A. Further introduction of your topic a. Define (Symptoms of Depression. For example: According to the DSM-5 (2013), Major Depressive Disorder is characterized by depressed mood (sadness), decreased interest in daily activities, changes to weight and sleep patterns, feelings of worthlessness, etc.). b. Incidence (Numbers/Demographics. For example: Approximately 7% of U.S. adults have reported experiencing Major Depression. ( c. Relevance (Broader Implications; Mental Health crisis. For example: Depression takes a huge toll on individuals, families, and society. Impacts are seen in personal relationships, parenting, financial stability, and mortality (Kessler, 2012). Paper Outline Assignment PSY102 – Fundamentals of Psychology II Copyright 2022 Post University, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Follow the sample document provided but elaborate further with specifics as shown above. If you are defining terms in your paper, in your outline, do not simply state “Define X, Y, and Z” in a bullet point in your outline. Instead, include definitions for those terms in your outline. The same is true for “Numbers/Demographics.” If you state that you will discuss statistics in your paper, your outline must include statistics and specific demographic information. Your instructor will want to know what information, specifically, you will include in your papers, and this is important for the following reasons: • This will make it easier for you to write your paper before it’s due. You will have all the information in your outline! More work now means less work later! • It gives your instructors a chance to confirm that the information in the outline, which will then be used in your paper, is accurate. Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write. Remember to review the Outline Sample document provided Arts & HumanitiesEnglish