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sgzorm Please reply to this post and add Reference      The philosopher…Please reply to this post and add Reference   The philosopher who I chose is René Descartes, mainly through his method of doubt presented in the First Meditation of his work “Meditations on First Philosophy.” Descartes begins by realizing that many of his previous beliefs were false and that the foundation of his beliefs was doubtful. He decides to embark on a project of demolishing all his opinions and rebuilding his knowledge from the ground up. This radical doubt is a tool to challenge commonly held assumptions and question the reliability of his senses and the external world.One aspect of Descartes’ argument that challenges my assumptions about right and wrong is his questioning of the reliability of the senses. He acknowledges that the senses can sometimes deceive us and argues that it is unwise to trust completely those who have deceived us even once. Descartes states, “Yet although the senses sometimes deceive us about objects that are very small or distant, that does not apply to my belief that I am here, sitting by the fire, wearing a winter dressing-gown, holding this piece of paper in my hands, and so on. It is impossible to doubt beliefs like these, which come from the senses” (Descartes). This challenges my assumption that my sensory experiences accurately represent reality. If I cannot fully trust my senses, then the basis for determining right and wrong becomes uncertain.Descartes’ skepticism emphasizes the importance of critically evaluating beliefs and questioning their reliability. His method of doubt emphasizes the need for intellectual rigor in ethical reasoning. One can develop a more thoughtful and informed ethical framework by questioning and doubting beliefs. Descartes’ approach challenges assumptions about ethics by questioning the reliability of senses and advocating for radical doubt. By examining Descartes’ philosophy, one can learn the importance of intellectual rigor and the need to establish a solid foundation for ethical reasoning.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish