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SuperBravery8429 Please help!!! Peer Response:   Comment on two peers’ posts,…Please help!!!Peer Response: Comment on two peers’ posts, specifically on their revision.  Is the revision major or minor? Did it improve the writing? Share one piece of advice that can be helpful for future revision. (Peer Post below)…Initial Response should include two versions of a full paragraph (minimum 5 sentences long)Peer responses should be 150 words(Initial essay) Next, Kristof demonstrated that the decrease in fatality rates was the result of regulated drivers and vehicle systems, writing, “This saves hundreds of thousands of lives a year and is a model of what we should do with guns in America” (2022, p. 178). He pointed out that decades ago, when vehicles and drivers were not regulated, the fatality rate was much higher. Once monitored, drivers and vehicles began incorporating more safety features, and the death toll from car accidents decreased. Neither the government nor society banned vehicles; they simply made them safer. Kristof suggested implementing safety measures and features in the manufacture of guns and subjecting gun owners to a more thorough investigation before being able to obtain a weapon. He further explained, “there are similar technologies and behavioral fixes that can ease the toll of gun violence, from expanded background checks to trigger locks to smart guns that recognize a thumbprint, just like my iPhone does” (2022, p. 179). (Revised essay) Furthermore, Kristof demonstrated that the decrease in fatality rates was the result of regulated drivers and vehicle systems, writing, “This saves hundreds of thousands of lives a year and is a model of what we should do with guns in America” (2022, p. 178). He pointed out that decades ago, when vehicles and drivers were not regulated, the fatality rate was much higher. Once monitored, drivers and vehicles began incorporating more safety features, and the death toll from car accidents decreased. Neither the government nor society banned vehicles; they simply made them safer. Kristof suggested implementing safety measures and features in the manufacture of guns and subjecting gun owners to a more thorough investigation before being able to obtain a weapon. He further explained, “there are similar technologies and behavioral fixes that can ease the toll of gun violence, from expanded background checks to trigger locks to smart guns that recognize a thumbprint, just like my iPhone does” (2022, p. 179).Arts & HumanitiesEnglish