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richardsonjasmine010 Please help having a hard time with these. 4. Your audience values…Image transcription text4. Your audience values tradition, is resistant to new ideas, anddemands many expert opinions plus sources for information andguidance before they will consider your argument. The… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text5. What technique should be used when developing and wordingyour main points and subpoints, so they’re structured in aconsistent and understandable way? 0 A. Parallel styli… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text6. In adjusting your level of complexity when sharing information,you should take into consideration a number of factors, but notnecessarily O A. the level of knowledge the audience h… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text7. When you consider whether audience members are from ahigh-context or low- context culture, you’re thinking about the OA. way technology and mass media shape their culture… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text8. Twelve people have one characteristic in common—they’re allgay parents—which allows them to assist each other in copingwith specific problems they confront in society. They h… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text9. A student has decided to present a speech of definition. Whichinstruction would apply to him as he begins to plan it? Q A. Avoiddictionary definitions. 0 B. Guide the audience throug… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text10. A librarian gives a short talk at a retirement luncheon after 50years of service to the city. What is the librarian presenting? O A.A farewell speech 0 B. Atoast O C. A testimonial O D. … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text11. You need to give a speech explaining the parts of a televisionand how they work. You should probably use the pattern oforganization. O A. structure—function O B. compariso… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text12. A speaker argues that A results from B, and since A isundesirable, B should be eliminated. This speaker is reasoningfrom O A. cause and effect. 0 B. sign. 0 C. analogy. O D. fallacy. … Show moreImage transcription text13. To commemorate an anniversary, a marketer for Bell Labs willgive a speech on three scientific achievements of AlexanderGraham Bell. Which pattern should the marketer use? … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text14. One environmentalist on the oil spill team shows greatcompetence, strong moral character, clear vision, dynamic energy,and a charismatic personality, so her peers naturally lo… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text15. The need for food, water, and air is satisfied for most UScollege students, so referring to these needs from Maslow’shierarchy will probably not motivate classmates. O A. … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text16. “A project is a vehicle for change” is an example ofa/an O A. oxymoron. O B. simile. O C. metaphor. O D. analogy. … Show moreImage transcription text17. Four speeches are suggested for a seminar, each with adifferent intention and goal. In which situation would the topicalpattern be most appropriate? 0 A. When explaining so… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text18. As opposed to written style, oral style is characterized by O A.vague or abstract terms. 0 B. formalized sentence structure. 0 C.complex language. 0 D. short and familiar words. … Show moreImage transcription text19. A popular columnist is upbeat and enthusiastic, regularlygiving reinforcement and approval to other members of the localpress club. What group maintenance role is he fulfillin… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text20. A new regional manager is ready to practice giving a report tothe annual meeting but isn’t exactly sure how. The managershould be advised to rehearse it Q A. from beginning t… Show more… Show morePlease help having a hard time with theseArts & HumanitiesEnglish