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 Please choose word that best fits the sentence and change the…

 Please choose word that best fits the sentence and change the parts of speech before you fill in the blank.



QUESTION 1 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

He decided not to go to law school because he felt the job market for lawyers was too ______________________.

QUESTION 2 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

As a child, he always showed _______________________ to his parents.

QUESTION 3 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

I wouldn’t _____________________ going out in such stormy weather.

QUESTION 4 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

Drinking tea has many ____________________ effects on your health and it’s positive in many ways.

QUESTION 5 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

We need to be aware of the ______________________ effects of these drugs.  They could destroy our health and even cause death.

QUESTION 6 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

You should not confuse _______________________ with love.

QUESTION 7 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

Mary’s boyfriend demanded a detailed _______________________ after he saw her with her ex-boyfriend in a restaurant.

QUESTION 8 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

Walking on the moon for the first time was a great ______________________ for mankind because it represented a huge milestone that happened for the very first time in human history.

QUESTION 9 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

For many people in New York City, a car is not a __________________________.  You can get around by the subway or bus system.


QUESTION 10 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

In ______________________ to her sister Sarah, Linda is much more talkative and outgoing.

QUESTION 11 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

According to the newspaper, there has been a _________________________ in drug-related crimes lately.

QUESTION 12 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

I admire her ________________________; she can finish writing this long report within a matter of 2 hours.

QUESTION 13 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

Our teacher is very strict about _________________________.  If you are late, you have to stand outside until you are called in.

QUESTION 14 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

Your suggestion is not _________________________.  We’ll completely blow our budget if we spend that much money on

QUESTION 15 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

Everyone was surprised when Mr. Baker announced his __________________

 to retire next month.   

QUESTION 16 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

This well-know attorney is a great _____________________________ as a lawyer. So many people want her to represent them on their behalf.

QUESTION 17 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

This well-known attorney is also a great _______________________ as a mother and wife because she went through 3 divorces already and is on her way to her fourth.  None of her 5 kids ever made it to college.

QUESTION 18 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

Even though she felt pretty upset, Jane didn’t want to make any

      _____________________ about it because she was too afraid of offending


QUESTION 19 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

In my opinion, setting up drug rehabilitation programs to reduce drug use

is a rather complicated __________________________ to a simple problem because all we need to do is to hire more police and make the punishment tougher.  Then I’m sure the drug problem will lessen.

QUESTION 20 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

Many workaholics get such ______________________ at work that they don’t mind staying in their office for extended hours.


QUESTION 21Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

The jury found him guilty of————————.

QUESTION 22 Accept, achieve, advice, admire, afford, benefit, compare, compete, complain, efficient, explain, fail, harm, intend, necessary, obey, punctual, reduce, rob, satisfy, solve, succeed

These days it’s hard to find ________________ childcare in a city because of the ever-increasing prices.