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Please can you identify any of the errors on the document below. …

Please can you identify any of the errors on the document below. 


Fused Sentences
Comma Splices
Punctuation errors
Capitalization errors
Sentences with awkward or unclear wording
Missing words
Word choice (use of a word that does not really make sense in the sentence)
Use of contractions
Use of the general “you”

1. For each correction, present the original sentence as it appears in the document below. 

2. Then present a sentence with the needed correction. 

3. Explain why you made the correction that you made. Why did you need to make that correction / how does it fix the sentence? 

“On the Warrior’s Path” by Daniele Bolelli is an inspiring and thought-provoking work examining the warrior mindset concept. Bolelli, a martial arts and Zen enthusiast, provides readers with insights into how to transform one’s life through courage, self-discipline, and skillful action. Through his exploration of the warrior path, he reveals how to use these qualities to turn fear into freedom and create a meaningful life. In Daniele Bolelli’s book On the Warrior’s Path, one aspect of the warrior mindset that I want to emphasize is the notion of conquering fear. “Fear is a demon that defeats you from the inside” (193). Fear can significantly impact our thoughts, emotions, and actions. When we allow fear to take hold, it can lead to anxiety, self-doubt, and a lack of confidence, making it difficult to reach our goals and pursue our dreams. According to Bolelli, mastering fear results in the freedom necessary for leading a meaningful life. I have always seen fear to be something that restricts my potential and keeps me back. Thus, this aspect of Bolelli’s idea of the warrior’s view is appealing. By conquering my fear, I will achieve more and have a more fulfilling life. This concept resonates with me since life is far too unpredictable and fleeting to waste any of it thinking about what might occur in the future. This is a notion that I appreciate because it is something from which we can all gain. As someone who has always been held back from achieving my true potential due to fear, I recognize the importance of overcoming it.

To begin with, Daniele Bolelli’s warrior philosophy places a significant emphasis on overcoming one’s fears since he thinks doing so results in a special kind of freedom necessary for leading a life with purpose. This philosophy interests me a lot because fear inhibited me from moving forward and living the most extraordinary life possible; it stopped me from taking chances and pushing the limits of my capabilities. Daniele Bolelli suggests that fear, even if not actively present or expressed, is always a part of us and exists within us “But this fear, have silent and dormant it may be, is something that always lives within us” (6). No matter how overwhelming it may seem, to have a fully lived life, I had to be prepared to confront my anxieties and take chances. Pursuing something that excites me can feel like a huge risk, especially when it involves leaving my current job or entering an unknown territory. The fear of failing or making a mistake was so daunting that it became easier to stay in my comfort zone and stay in a job I did not love. However, if I never took chances and put myself out there, I may have missed the opportunity to start a fantastic journey with the courage to reach for opportunities. It took bravery and determination to push beyond the boundaries of my comfort zones, but breaking out led to finding the career I truly wanted and living my best life.  

Also, I have to put this component of Bolelli’s warrior philosophy into everyday existence by putting myself in circumstances that I consider the most challenging and terrifying. I was afraid of speaking in front of others; I had to practice doing so in front of others and challenge myself to exceed the limits of my comfort zone. Even when I am nervous or uncertain, I can still take chances and try new things. Facing my fear of public speaking can seem overwhelming, but taking the initiative to challenge it allowed me to gain valuable self-assuredness. Daniele Bolelli alludes that fear is not only limited to the fear of physical confrontation but goes beyond that to encompass a deeper and more complex type of anxiety rooted in a lack of self-confidence “The fear is not only the fear of physical confrontation, but it also runs much deeper; it is the anxiety that comes from self-confidence, ………” (55). The ability to confidently address any group of people opened various opportunities that were not available. I could be able to use my communication skills to better the world around me in my various volunteering activities. By speaking out against injustice, I could join the fight against inequality and empower others with my words. Many benefits can become accessible as I take this essential step forward, daring to challenge my fears and opening myself up to what I could accomplish. 

Finally, embracing this aspect of Bolelli’s warrior philosophy can significantly impact how I live my day-to-day life by empowering me to confront my anxieties and engage in uncertain activities. I can follow through with my plans and broaden the scope of my experiences, and create a life that is richer in purpose and more satisfying. I will also have the confidence to take on further tasks and push the limits of my comfort zone, contributing to my personal growth and development. “Fear, perhaps more than anything else, is what holds us back in every aspect of our lives” (Bolelli 193). According to Bolelli, fear is a powerful emotion that could prevent me from pursuing my goals and reaching my full potential. Fear of failure and judgment from others could keep me trapped in my comfort zones and limit my experiences and growth. Taking action when I am anxious or apprehensive is one of the most challenging things. Yet, by confronting those fears, I could explore new opportunities with significant potential for growth and development. Starting a business comes with uncertainty. It may allow me to incorporate market research, create a business plan, and find potential investors who can aid in taking my ambitions and dreams to the next level. By diving into this opportunity, I could expand my network to global proportions and benefit from newfound experiences that would give me confidence in tackling more challenging goals. Through this process, I can ultimately gain assurance in looking beyond what seems familiar while exploring lesser-known paths that could be even more rewarding than anticipated.

In conclusion, the warrior’s outlook, a philosophy developed by Daniele Bolelli, is essential to leading a life with meaning. If I face my fears and take risks, I can gain the freedom to experience more and become the best version of ourselves. Facing my fears requires me to take risks. I could expose myself to new opportunities and experiences and develop the self-assurance necessary to tackle more challenging tasks and extend my boundaries. I also could create meaningful connections with other people and contribute my skills and abilities to the betterment of the world. Eventually, I could live a more meaningful and fulfilling life if I could get past my fears and take some chances. Overcoming fear requires self-awareness, courage, and a willingness to face and embrace uncertainty and risk. So, reading On the Warrior’s Path by Daniele Bolelli, I could relate and find myself at the center of the warrior philosophy.