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UltraTeam11526 please answer the following questions  . 2 Verbs such as could or…please answer the following questionsImage transcription text2 Verbs such as could or might that pair with other verbs toindicate the author’s degree of certainty are called A. actionverbs. B. helping verbs. C. verb tenses. D. infinitive verbs…. Show moreImage transcription textMichael is writing about his favorite hobby. What sentence wouldyou most likely find in this narrative? A. “I need to find a lessexpensive hobby.” B. “Pottery just relaxes … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWhat’s a subordinate clause? J A. A sentence that has a subjectand a verb but reads like a fragment J B. A sentence that has onlya subject or only a verb J C. A sentence that has a subj… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWhich of the following are no: complete sentences? A.Subordinating conjunctions B. Fragments C. Subordinatingclauses D. Run—en sentences … Show moreImage transcription text’. Which statement is true? O A. The tone and point of View of apersonal narrative depend on the author’s mood. O B. Authorsprimarily write narratives to entertain the reader with… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWhich sentence provides the reader with the greatest degree ofcertainty? D A. You may see the meteor shower tonight, ) B. Youwill see the meteor shower tonight. ) C. You should see… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWhat should you be able to identify and use when writing? 3 A.Grammar, punctuation, and point of View 3 B. Spelling: grammar:and punctuation D C. Spelling: grammar: and point of … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textExamples of writing for entertainment purposes include personalessays, social media feeds, humor columns, and blogs. A.storytelling B. fiction C. nonfiction D. persuasive… Show moreImage transcription textvon When you’re writing to inform, you choose A. neutral wordsand express personal feelings. B. biased words and avoidexpressing personal feelings. C. neutral words and avo… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textcontain more than one subject-verb pair without the punctuationor the words to connect them properly. A. Subordinatingconjunctions B. Subordinating clauses C. Sentence fra… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWhich sentence contains an infinitive verb? A. I made pizzapretzels for dinner. B. I am going to make pizza pretzels for dinner.C. I am making pizza pretzels for dinner. D. My mother … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text6 non Which sentence is not considered a sentence fragment? A.Google LLC is an American multinational technology companythat focuses on search engine technology. B. There are… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text15 A key component of is correct grammar. non A. goodvocabulary B. polished, effective writing C. proofreading D. clearcommunication… Show moreImage transcription textnon What’s an independent clause? A. A sentence that has nosubject and no verb and can stand on its own B. A sentence thathas a subject and a verb but reads like a fragment C. A … Show more… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish