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AgentMusic11519   please answer the following questions                  … please answer the following questionsImage transcription text1. From the 5 W/1H strategy, which question helps identify thepeople that are the subject of the historical text? O A. How? O B.Why? O C. When? O D. Who?… Show more Image transcription text2. A/An word or statement isn’t meant to make readers feel astrong emotion. O A. inferred O B. neutral O C. descriptive O D.biased… Show more   Image transcription text3. Reading comprehension is tied closely to how readers takeaway the details that shape the overall message and their abilityto follow the structure the writer uses. O A. sequence … Show more… Show more   Image transcription text4. From the 5 W/1H strategy, which question helps to identify thelocation of some event in a historical text? O A. What? O B. How?O C. Where? O D. Who?… Show more   Image transcription text5. The is the focus of the entire piece. O A. summary O B. mainidea O C. introduction O D. title… Show more   Image transcription text6. From the 5 W/1H strategy, which question helps to identify thetime of some event in a historical text? O A. When? O B. How? OC. Where? O D. What?… Show more Image transcription text7. Reading comprehension depends upon a solid understanding ofO A. introductions. O B. loaded language. O C. key details. O D.objectivity…. Show more Image transcription text8. What could a reader use to determine the layout of materials?O A. Headings O B. Introduction O C. Table of contents O D.Subheadings… Show moreImage transcription text9. In which formatting structure does a writer identify anoccurrence or an event and then detail how it affects other eventsand society? O A. Cause/effect O B. Problem/solution … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text10. is similar to scientific and technical writing in that its main goalis to provide information. O A. Work writing O B. Fictional writingO C. Historical writing O D. Storytelling… Show moreImage transcription text11. Why is bias sometimes difficult for readers to detect? O A. It’sfilled with scientific terminology. O B. It’s not part of the topic. OC. It’s an opinion that reads like a fact. O D. It’s wordy … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text12. Answer the question after carefully reading the followingexcerpt from “Hidden Figures.” Human computerswere meticulous and detail-obsessed number crunche… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text13. How many basic formatting structures do writers use? O A.Ten O B. Six O C. Four O D. Five… Show moreImage transcription text14. Readers can find clues to uncovering the information theyneed in O A. introductions and summaries. O B. the table ofcontents. O C. headings and subheadings. O D. headin… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text15. Answer the question after carefully reading the followingexcerpt from “Hidden Figures.” Effects of race atNACA could also be felt professionally. The black Wes… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text16. Reading the words around a difficult vocabulary term to helpunderstand the term’s meaning shows that a reader is using O A.context clues. O B. a dictionary. O C. multiple meaning… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text17. A provides you with the best and most reliable way to find outthe meaning of a word. O A. dictionary O B. table of contents O C.glossary O D. index… Show moreImage transcription text18. When a statement can be verified with some research, it’scalled alan O A. fact. O B. solution. O C. inference. O D. opinion…. Show moreImage transcription text19. Reading for is less complex than reading scientific or technicalwriting. O A. comprehension O B. work O C. pleasure O D. school… Show moreImage transcription text20. If you disagree with someone about mixing mayonnaise andjelly to make a sandwich, that’s your O A. fact. O B. solution. O C.opinion. O D. inference…. Show moreImage transcription textWhich thesis statement would be considered weak? A. Individualsshould consume at least three servings of vegetables a daybecause they have many nutrients that your body nee… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text22 What type of graphic is a helpful resource for dividingpercentages and showing how they relate to each other? A. Linegraph B. Pie chart C. Timeline D. Column graph… Show moreImage transcription text23 Your work team is voting on which topic they would like tohave presented at the next meeting. Which graphic would be bestto compile the results? A. Pie chart B. Column graph C…. Show more… Show moreImage transcription text24 Authors try to write informational texts from a point of view.A. third-person B. positive C. first-person D. neutral… Show moreImage transcription textGood writers choose their words wisely because they know A.that big words give validity to their writing. LS B. that words cancarry positive or negative connotation. C. using loaded… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWhich of the following word choices demonstrates the greatestsense of determination? A. The United States hoped for freedomand liberty around the world. B. The United States was… Show more… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish