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You need a PPP lesson plan, based on the PAST CONTINUOUS INTERRUPTED, with the information below. IMPORTANT NOTE: this is the first time the students have seen the past continuous.

You are not required to submit the actual materials, but do include a brief description of them. If necessary you can have another look at Unit 2 for a refresher on lesson planning and the PPP structure.

We’ve done an example lesson plan for you here that focuses on the present perfect simple to describe events that have happened at an unspecified time in the past, e.g. “I’ve swum in the Indian Ocean”, “She’s seen the Taj Mahal”, “We’ve flown a plane” etc. This will give you an idea of what you need to include.


I have/she/he has Have you/Has She

Teach present perfect.

Meaning of the present perfect and past simple

Image transcription text

PRE-PLANNING Level: Pre-intermediate Aim: Students should understand how to construct and use the
present perfect to express an experience some time before now – for example, I have been to Mexico, she has
eaten crickets, etc. Target Language: I have /she/he has eaten/sung/been/tried etc. Have you/Has sh…
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My Submission:


Classroom Set-up: Horseshoe

Materials: Photo and/or Video



Lead In: (5 mins)

Ask these questions of the class:

Can you recall a time when you were doing something and then something unexpected happened and interrupted you? 

What were you doing when it happened? 


Practice (20 mins)

The past continuous can also be used to express a repeated action in the past, to indicate a longer background action in a story, and to describe two actions happening at the same time in the past.  Past Continuous Interrupted 

I was writing an essay: I was interrupted by a phone call : I stopped writing to answer : I finished the call : I resumed writing my essay : I was interrupted by a friend : I stopped writing to talk to my friend

Outcome: I did not complete the essay.

Ask students the following questions:

What were you doing when you were interrupted? 

Who or what interrupted you? 

How did you respond when you were interrupted? 

What did you do after you were interrupted? 

What was the outcome?

Place these kinds of pictures on board before student arrive:

1. A picture of someone speaking on a phone while cooking dinner and the stove catches fire!

2. A picture of someone playing video games when an alarm goes off. 

3. A picture of someone walking when it starts to rain.


1. What was the person in the first picture doing before they were interrupted? 

2. What caused the interruption in the second picture? 

3. How did the interruption in the third picture affect the person?


Practice (20 mins)

One worksheet per group

Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences using the past continuous interrupted: 

a. I _____ to the park when it started to rain. 

b. He _______ his bike when he saw a snake. 

c. She _____ to the store when she remembered she had left her wallet at home.

d. We _____ a movie when the power went out. 


was going / was riding / was walking / were watching 

Have student act out with out speaking: 

1. A student stands up and turns away from the class on their phone the class, I interrupt by tapping on the student’s shoulder from behind. The student stops, turns around, and answers the question.

2. Two friends are walking and talking, when one is interrupted by a phone call. The friend answers the phone, and then resumes the conversation with the other. 

3. A student is eating lunch when another student comes up and interrupts them. The student puts down their food, turns to answer the other student, and then resumes eating their lunch.

I ask the following questions:

1. What happened when I tapped on the student’s shoulder?

2. What did the friend do when they were interrupted by the phone call? 

3. What did the student do when they were interrupted during their lunch?


Production (15 minutes)

Describe a time when you were interrupted in the middle of an activity using the past continuous tense.

Prompt questions: 

What were you doing when you were interrupted? 

Who or what interrupted you? 

How did you respond when you were interrupted? 

What did you do after you were interrupted? 

What was the outcome?