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peruse articles from databases in the library and gather pro and…

peruse articles from databases in the library and gather pro and con arguments in favor of and against the use of Crispr in humans.  You will be using the articles from the databases in the body paragraphs of the paper about the positive and negative points about using Crispr in Humans–two database articles in each body paragraph.  In a Discussion Board you will post an outline using database articles–at least two in each body paragraph.  Always include an intro and conclusion and Works Cited.  For each of the library database articles you found, you will post a summary and explain the following:

The author(s)’ main idea and subtopics, indicating the pro and con arguments for using Crispr in humans.  This should be in paragraph form–approximately a half-page entry for each of the articles.  Please be specific.
After you post your outline containing four body paragraphs, respond to two of your peers’ posts indicating the usefulness of their authors’ information.  Could you use their authors’ main ideas and subtopics in your essay paragraphs?  Why or why not?  The goal here is to gather and share sources that you could potentially use in body paragraphs as support.  Maybe your peers found sources that you did not find and that might be helpful for use in your body paragraphs.  However, just a reminder that your writing will be your own.  Remember the plagiarism explanation on your syllabus.  Everyone must do his or her own writing.


Dimond, Rebecca; Lewis, Jamie; Sumner, Alice. New Genetics & Society. Dec2022, p1-23. 23p. DOI: 10.1080/14636778.2022.2155124.

In Academic Search Complete


Specter, Michael. “The Gene Hackers.” The New Yorker, vol. 91, no. 36, 16 Nov. 2015, p. 52. Gale Academic OneFile, Accessed 19 Jan. 2023.

In Gale Academic One File

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Outline for Crispr–Use in Humans



            A. Crispr Gene Editing/Genome Editing

            B. Designer Babies–Crispr Babies

            C. Crispr Technology

            D. Moral and Ethical Point of View



helpful hints-Use of CRISPR in Humans

Outline should be in Outline format
Essay should be in Essay format
Citations and Works Cited format–Use MLA not APA for citations and Works Cited.  See the library Resource Tools and Chapter 20 for MLA format.
Upload the assignments to the appropriate tabs.
No late papers.  Do not wait for the last minute to post.
3 body paragraphs, 2 database sources for each paragraph.
In each paragraph , intro and conclusion: pro and con arguments in favor of and against the use of Crispr in humans
Paragraph organization: topic sentence, articles as examples, closure.

    A. Crispr Technology/Crispr Gene Editing/Genome Editing

    B. Designer Babies–Crispr Babies

    C. Moral and Ethical Point of View

For eah article within the paragraphs: author(s)’ main idea and subtopics, indicating the pro and con arguments in each body paragraph for using Crispr in humans.  This should be in paragraph form–approximately a half-page entry for each of the two articles in each paragraph.  Please be specific.   
Prompt: Write a three-page essay and come to a conclusion regarding the pros and cons of using Crispr in humans, potentially changing the human genome.  


Quotations required for articles.
Intro and conclusion required.
Works Cited required.
Citations must match Works Cited entries.
Please work on the essay throughout the week and do not leave it to the last minute.