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Parte 1: Written Spanish ~ ¡Es importante que ustedes sean sanos!…

Parte 1: Written Spanish ~ ¡Es importante que ustedes sean sanos!

Slideshow with at least 4 images and use a variety of vocabulary from the unit (2.1 Vocabulary for health and well-being, exercise, physical activity and nutrition).


8-12 DIFFERENT W.E.I.R.D.O. trigger phrases with the present Subjunctive verbs conjugated in the tú, usted, ustedes and ellos forms using wellness vocabulary from this unit (2.1 Vocabulary for health and well-being, exercise, physical activity and nutrition), with specific strategies for staying healthy by using new wellness vocabulary from this unit.
You MUST have two sentences for each of the following areas and LABEL what type of sentence it is:
The subjunctive with impersonal expressions (lesson 1.5 Subjunctive with impersonal expressions). Example: Impersonal Expression: Es necesario que ustedes coman una dieta saludable. Scroll down to see a list of impersonal expressions.
The subjunctive with verbs of will and influence (lesson 2.2 Subjunctive with verbs of will and influence). Example: Verbs of will and Influence: Los expertos recomiendan que todos hagan ejercicio un minímo de tres veces a la semana. Scroll down to see a list of verbs of influence to choose from.
The subjunctive with verbs of emotion (lesson 2.3 Subjunctive with verbs of emotion). Example: Verbs of emotion: Estoy orgulloso de que la gente tome clases de ejercicio para mejorar su nivel cardiovascular. Scroll down to see a list of verbs of emotion to choose from.
The subjunctive with doubt, disbelief and denial (lesson 2.4 Subjunctive with doubt, disbelief and denial). Example: Verb of doubt (specify what type of verb you use in your presentation):        No creo que tú comprendas la importancia de una dieta sana. Scroll down to see a list of verbs of doubt, disbelief and denial.
List of impersonal expressions:

Es necesario que…

Es probale que…

Es improbable que…

Es posible que…

Es imposible que…

Es preferible que…

Es increíble que…

Es bueno que…

Es malo que…

Es mejor que…

Es peor que…

Es terrible que…

Es ridículo que…

Es fantástico que…

Es una lastima que…

Es importante que…

No es cierto que…

Es increíble que…

Es esencial que…

Es raro que…

Es urgente que…

*More expressions can be found here:

List of verbs of will and influence:

agradacer-to be grateful

no tener-to not have

mandar-to order 

desear-to desire

preferit-to prefer

no encontrar-to not find

exigir-to demand

insistir-to insist

buscar-to look for

pedir-to request

necesitar-to need

esperar-to hope, to expect

querer-to want

no haber-there is/are not 

List of verbs of emotion:

alegrarse de- to be glad

quejarse-to comlain

lamentar-to regret

enojarse-to get angry

sorprender-to surprise

molestar-to annoy

tener miedo de que-to be afraid that

gustar-to like

encantar-to be delighted

sentir-to feel

maravillar-to astonish

estar contento, enojado, triste, etc- to be glad, angry, sad, etc.

temer-to fear

extrañarse-to be amazed

Verbs of doubt, denial and disbelief

dudar-to doubt

no pensar-to not think

no estar seguro-to be unsure

no comprender-to not understand

no creer-to not believe

negar-to deny

no suponer-to no assume

no parecer-to not seem