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Part One: Mapping Out Your Positions At the top of the submission,…

Part One: Mapping Out Your Positions

At the top of the submission, state your topic and write the arguable claim that you are trying to convince your audience of.
In visual, table, or written form, map out the three distinct positions you’ll be using for P3.
Utilize the format and structure of our previous assignments and now do it on your own topic.
You should list the major argumentative points (at least 5) for each binary position, show the dialogic arguments, and then list the 4 conciliatory points from those dialogic arguments
Note: If your previous topic is 1) not on the off-limits topic list, 2) fits this assignment in scope and research potential and 3) is something you’d like to keep exploring.  You are welcome to use that topic. If not, please choose a new one. 

Part Two: Start your Research Process 

Once you’ve mapped out your positions, you should have an idea of where you will need to use research to support your paper.
Utilize the Reynolds Library or Google Scholar to find potential, credible, scholarly sources.
Utilize Google to find credible, non-scholarly sources.
Under each of the THREE positions (pro/anti/conciliatory), list and link at least two potential credible sources and tell me how you think they may help your paper.

Assignment Deliverables:

A list of 5 major arguments for Position 1 (binary position) ( Explain why choosing this position)
A list of 5 major arguments for Position 2 (other binary position) ( Explain why choosing this position)
A list of 4 major conciliatory arguments from the dialogue between the binary positions ( Explain why choosing this positions )
Six (6) potential, credible sources linked and listed.
A sentence or two for each source telling me how you think it will help your paper.
A list of 3 concerns. (What are the traps of binary thinking that you will have to navigate? These concerns and questions are posed for feedback. )
A list of 4 proposals. ( how you can solve of make this problem lighter ) 

 topic: Black Lives Matter