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Part I. Read each sentence and apply the rules of modal…

Part I. Read each sentence and apply the rules of modal auxiliaries. 


Hint: Consider the ideas in parenthesis to complete the sentences.


1. There is no electricity in the Writing Room.  So, the teachers_____ reschedule their exam.  (obligation in the future)

2. They _____ need to write a formal request and submit it to the director. (possibility, probability; 


3. In fact, students _____ benefit if all teachers rescheduled exams for next week. (past form, possibility)

4. If the director considered the request, students ___ have the test early next week. (possibility in the future)

5. You _____ have a visa to enter this country. (necessity, obligation; forcing something to happen; an advice)

6. We ________ cancel our plane reservations and go to Canada by car instead.  (possibility; suggestion)

7. You _____ leave as soon as you finish the exam. (give permission)

8. If we hadn’t met that time, I _____ be here now.  (conditional verb form; negative)

9. My car keys _____ still be in the car.  (conditional form of can)

10. “You’re a grown-up man, Michael. You _____ take care of yourself.” (possibility; general ability)


Part II. Identify the pronouns in this passage. Also, indicate the words the pronouns refer to.  As you read- would you agree with me that the passage includes too many pronouns? Which one would can be eliminate?

A professor of nutrition at a major university recently advised his students that they could do better on their examinations by eating lots of sweets.  He told them that the sugar in cakes and candy would stimulate their brains to work more efficiently.  He also said that if they were eaten for only a month or two, it would not do them any harm. However, another professor immediately responded to him directly saying there are many false ideas about eating sweets.  She claims that refined carbohydrates will quickly break down to sugar, increasing their insulin levels.  She hopes they don’t follow his advice.


Part III.  Select the pronoun that when inserted in the sentence is consistent and agrees with its antecedent.


1. Emily is often hospitalized because _____ has a catastrophic illness. 

a. we

b. she

c. he

d. I


2. Emily usually visited the hospital chapel. Jason says, “___ is Emily’s place to find peace.” 

a. it

b. they

c. he

d. she


3. Emily’s mother recognizes Jason’s compassion. Everybody in the family agrees that ___ is a kind man. 

a. he

b. him

c. they

d. she


4. Some family members also visited the chapel.  _____ want to share peaceful moments with Emily. 

a. them

b. they

c. it

d. she


5. Jason and Emily will continue helping the unfortunate people.  Jason says, “_____ are learning the real gift of life.”  

a. She

b. I 

c. he

d. we


6. The nurse must consult _____ supervisor before administering medications to Emily. 


a. her

b. the

c. their

d. his