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Part 1. Prioritizing and Time Management  1. In the table below,…

Part 1. Prioritizing and Time Management 

1. In the table below, list the tasks you want to accomplish tomorrow in order of priority. You can add as many as you would like or have. Revisit the page titled Setting Goals and Priorities in Module 6: Device Use Strategies to Support Academic Success. Include at least two items per column, but may have several more depending on your plans. This table is worth 1.5 points (.5 point for each column). 

“A” Tasks

(need to do today; important and urgent tasks)

“B” Tasks

(should do today; still important but not as urgent)

“C” Tasks

(would be nice to do if I get to them)







What are your time management strengths and areas of opportunity? In other words, what time-management strategies do you already do well and what habits or preferences leave room for improvement? Describe and give examples of at least two of each. 

Note: You might also consider completing a time management self-assessment (

to help you start thinking about possible strengths and areas of opportunity. 

2a.  Describe your time management strength # 1:


2b. Describe your time management strength # 2:


Additional time management strengths (optional): 


2c. Describe your time management area of opportunity/area for improvement #1:


2d. Describe your time management area of opportunity/area for improvement #2:


Additional area(s) of opportunity or area(s) for improvement (optional):


3. What tools, strategies, environments, personal characteristics, or people help you or have helped you in the past when it comes to effectively managing your time? Describe at least two.



4. What events, people, or other interruptions most commonly result in distraction or reduced ability to manage your time? 

List a major distraction, behavior, or other factor that interferes with your time management  and describe a way you could manage or reduce the impact of this distraction. 



Describe how to manage this distraction or reduce its impact:



5. Use information from Module 4 to respond to the following question. Revisit pages titled: 

Traction, Regulation, and Attention Management,
Internal Triggers, and
Escape Patterns Are Less-helpful Coping Mechanisms for Distress 
List a common escape pattern you use that interferes with your ability to stay in traction (.5 point) and describe a way you could reframe or reconsider this pattern.

Escape pattern:


Describe how to manage this distraction or reduce its impact:



Part 2: Study Skills

6. Review the page Effective Study Habits in Module 6: Device Use Strategies for Academic Success. Next, describe your current practices related to each of the skill areas covered in the module and included in the table below. Finally, considering what you learned, describe the ways you could adjust your current behaviors. This should be based on the information outlining some of the benefits of using tech in academic environments as well as the information on low- and no-tech environments. 

NOTE: Points will NOT be awarded if you do not reference tips and strategies from the module among your potential modifications.  


My Current Approach(es) 


Potential Modification


6a. Note taking



6b. Organizing information



6c. Collaborating with Others


6d. Preparing for Tests: Self-test and Review



7. Think about how you currently prepare yourself to learn and study (including your mindset, environment, tools, distractions, etc) and reflect on and describe any potential modifications that would help you feel more successful in these efforts moving forward. NOTE: Points will NOT be awarded if you do not reference tips and strategies from the module among your potential modifications. 


My Current Approach(es) 


Potential Modification


7a. Being Mentally Prepared to Learn and Study

7b. Being Physically Prepared to Learn and Study



8. Think back to the beginning of this term. Describe one adjustment (related to time management or something else) you’ve made since then to support your academic goals.