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AgentAntelope14882 paraphrasing:      Question One When I hear the word mathematics…paraphrasing:   Question OneWhen I hear the word mathematics numbers and counting come into my mind. I think mathematics is about addition, subtraction, multiplication, and addition. Mathematics helps us in solving real-life problems. It allows us to form equations, statements, and logic and consequently solve using conventional methods and formulas that have been set.Question TwoWhile many think mathematics is about numbers and counting it is more than meets the eye. Mathematics involves the integration of numbers, counting and everyday interactions with the world. Research says that mathematics involves identifying sequence, patterns, and trends of the things around. For instance, if we have two cups on the table, a learner should have the mental image of the objects and also be able to quantify. Quantification of the objects is what brings about numbers and counting. According to Brenneman et al., mathematics should form the foundation upon which concept of objects, the surrounding, patterns, and trends should be based. This ensures simplified mathematical knowledge and skills upon which children form their every day to day experience. Question ThreeWhen I hear the word science, scientific concepts such as evaporation, photosynthesis, condensation, transpiration, nutrition, reproduction, and many others crosses my mind. Science forms the basic foundation to understand the world around us. Science is technical and comprehensive. Question FourChildren are learning science by interacting with objects, patterns, and people around them. Children learn science through counting steps, creating patterns, building blocks, painting walls, and drawing. From the study material provided, it is also evident that children learning by imitating the older ones as well as through sing. Besides, children learn science through play toys. By watching cartoons children develop great sense of everything that happen in the environment. Question FiveIntegration of math and science into early learning is essential. Firstly, mathematics should be considered as high-quality preschool program. The administrator must be certain about the learning standards, curricula, and teaching expectation. Secondly, preschool children should be taught through research based programs that are appropriate. By understanding that mathematics is more than counting and numbers, facilitators should use the immediate situations to teach mathematics and science. For instance, the facilitators should use live teaching aids as this would form mental image on the students hence making teaching of math and science fun. Lastly, using ICT to teach mathematics and science is paramount. Science should not just be considered as list of facts but an experience that happens to all of us on daily basis. By appreciating that preschoolers learn through what they do, singing, reciting, acting, and the interaction with the environment teaching and learning of math and science can be fulfilling.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish