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ou will writ (s colar)e a 2-3 page movie review that focuses on a…

ou will writ (s colar)e a 2-3 page movie review that focuses on a movie with a parenting/child discipline

theme.  Use the following format when completing your Movie Reviews – include the headings

below in each of your reviews.

The Review

Give your impression of the movie with a brief plot summary (1 to 2 paragraphs). Resist the urge

to retell the entire plot. Share the scenes that had the greatest impact on your thinking. What

aspects should viewers look for if they have not seen the movie? What themes/scenes do you feel

warrant further reflection and why?

Personal Implications:

·How did you connect with the movie on a personal level?

·How did it confirm or challenge some of your perceptions of parenting/child discipline?

·Were there any scenes that you strongly agreed/disagreed with on a personal level and


Professional Implications:

·What scenes made an emotional, cognitive, or spiritual connection that will inform your

professional development?

·Were there any scenes that you strongly agreed/disagreed with on a professional level and


·How will you utilize this information (personally or professionally) to impact your life?

Things to do list:

1. Try to find review articles and other basic information to use for background (outside of what is provided in textbook and powerpoints)2. Find 2 empirical articles (papers have method/results sections)3. Write the paper:
Background information to topic; research question/hypotheses Describe/summarize empirical articles
Critically analyze topic; synthesize findings from articles Propose future directions/research (be as specific as you’d like)4. Your topic must be the same or closely related to the topic in the proposal5. Title page (  1st page), reference page (last page),


1. The 2 “empirical papers” must have methods/results sections. You may use as many extra review articles(scholar) or other empirical articles as you would like( minimum 2), but there must be at least 2 studies that are discussed and critiqued in detail ( 5 in total)

3. Provide your own “take” on the topic in the form of a critique and future research ideas. You MUST show that you have gone beyond a summary, and have critically thought about the topic ( 3d face only accepted for academic formal writing style)




a. Referencing must be in APA /MLA style. Any ideas or conclusions that are not your own (information that you have learned), you must cite – give credit to the person that had that idea!

b. Section headers are required in your paper. These should be descriptive of the paragraph(s) in that section (e.g. “Overview of false memories and children” then “Theories for false memories” then “Examination of familiarity”, etc.). The headers should be italicized and on their own line.

5. 2500 UP TO 3000 WORDS, double-spaced, 12-pt font, with additional, separate title page and reference page. Please include page numbers.

6. Reference page: Only include references of papers that YOU have read.

7. Attach your proposal at the end of your paper, on separate page after your references ( NOT INCLUDED INWORD COUNT)