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Option # 1: For this assignment, you’ll find a minimum of three…

Option # 1: For this assignment, you’ll find a minimum of three compositions that are similar in content and purpose but are composed using different means of communication. Your paper should analyze and show the difference between each of the rhetorical compositions, using at least some of the terms described in the Rhetorical Situation: exigence, audience, purpose, genre, subject, audience. Your goal is to explain to someone not versed in rhetoric what makes these compositions rhetorically different from each other and why the difference is important or interesting.


Option # 2: For this assignment, you’ll find a minimum of three compositions that are similar in content, purpose, and genre. Your paper should analyze and show the difference between each of the rhetorical compositions using at least some of the terms described in the Rhetorical Situation:exigence, audience, purpose, genre, subject, audience. Your goal is to explain to someone not versed in rhetoric what makes these compositions similar or different and why one may be more effective than the others. 


Regardless of which option you choose, your paper should include the following: 

An introduction to and description of your three selected compositions, including their shared purpose.
An analysis of each composition’s modality, medium, genre, and why it was chosen for purpose and effectiveness.
A comparison of the three compositions using several of the elements of the rhetorical situation (exigence, audience, purpose, genre, subject, audience).
A conclusion that makes clear what you think is the most effective of the compositions to achieve their shared purpose.

Your paper should be between 4-6 double-spaced pages in length, use 12pt Times New Roman font, and conform to MLA guidelines (formatting, in-text citations, Works Cited page). 







I have selected three different sources to examine and compare for the genre analysis essay I am writing. These sources consist of a blog post, a video that was found on YouTube, and a news article. The first piece of evidence is a news article written by Taryn DeCicco and published by NBC News on June 8, 2020. The article is titled “How the pandemic has impacted the mental health of young adults,” and it was first distributed on that date. This article explores the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic has had an effect on the mental health of young adults, including the rise in rates of anxiety, depression, and feelings of being isolated. The second piece of evidence is a blog post that was written by Dr. Christopher Smith and titled “Mental Health During the Pandemic.” It was initially published on May 18th, 2020. This article offers advice on how to manage feelings of anxiety and depression, as well as discusses the impact of the pandemic on mental health and the potential for increased levels of both of these conditions as a result of the pandemic. The third piece of evidence is a video on YouTube from the channel “Everyday Psychology” that was published on the 15th of April in the year 2020 and is titled “Maintaining Mental Health During the Pandemic.” This video presents a discussion on the effects of the pandemic on mental health, including the significance of seeking assistance when necessary and various methods for preserving mental wellness. In the essay I’m writing about genre analysis, I’m going to compare and contrast the three sources based on the genre, audience, purpose, and modality of each of them. I will also evaluate the persuasiveness of each source in terms of its ability to convey its message to the audience for whom it was written. Each of the three sources is effective in conveying their message about mental health during the pandemic, despite the fact that each source is rhetorically distinct in terms of its purpose, audience, genre, and mode of communication. This is the provisional thesis statement that I have developed for this essay. Explanation: An article from the news, a post from a blog, and a video that can be found on YouTube have been selected as the sources for this genre analysis essay. NBC News released an article on June 8, 2020, with the headline “How the pandemic has impacted the mental health of young adults.” The piece was written by Taryn DeCicco and titled “How the pandemic has impacted the mental health of young adults.” This article explores the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic has had an effect on the mental health of young adults, including the rise in rates of anxiety, depression, and feelings of being isolated. This article was written by Dr. Christopher Smith and published on the blog on May 18th, 2020. The title of the post is “Mental Health During the Pandemic.” This article offers advice on how to manage feelings of anxiety and depression, as well as discusses the impact of the pandemic on mental health and the potential for increased levels of both of these conditions as a result of the pandemic. The video was originally uploaded to YouTube on April 15, 2020, under the channel name “Everyday Psychology,” and the title of the video is “Maintaining Mental Health During the Pandemic.” This video presents a discussion on the effects of the pandemic on mental health, including the significance of seeking assistance when necessary and various methods for preserving mental wellness. In the essay that is being written to analyze genres, the primary aspects that will be compared and contrasted are going to be the source’s intended audience, genre, and mode of presentation. Although the discussion of mental health during the pandemic is the objective of each source, different topics and approaches are taken toward the subject in each of the sources. There is also a difference in the audience that is targeted by each of these sources. While the news article is written for a more general audience, the blog post and YouTube video are written for a more specific audience consisting of people who are interested in mental health. The news article, the blog post, and the YouTube video are all written compositions, whereas the audio-visual composition that is the YouTube video is a different kind of composition entirely. In conclusion, the compositional mode of each of these sources is unique, with the newspaper article being a print composition, the blog post being an online composition, and the YouTube video being an audio-visual composition. This essay will attempt to explain to someone who is not familiar with rhetoric what it is that differentiates each of these compositions from one another from a rhetorical standpoint as well as why this distinction is either significant or interesting. The purpose of this essay is to explain how each source is rhetorically distinct and how this difference impacts the effectiveness of each source in conveying its message by analyzing the purpose of each source, its audience, the genre of each source’s writing, and the mode of communication used by each source. The essay will also provide a comparison and contrast of these components in order to explain why one source may be more effective than the others in achieving the common purpose of discussing mental health during the pandemic. Each of the three sources is effective in conveying their message about mental health during the pandemic, but each source is rhetorically distinct in its purpose, audience, genre, and mode of communication. This is the provisional thesis statement for this essay, which will be expanded upon in the body of the paper