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Now that you have your argument paper, you will need to use the…

Now that you have your argument paper, you will need to use the points made in your paper to do a rebuttal or counter argument!

Using an outline of your argument paper, you will examine each point you made, especially in your body paragraphs, and think of a response/answer to or flaw in each point that you made. Often the best thing to do is either on a separate sheet of paper or make a second outline next to your argument outline, this one will be the outline for your counter argument paper. 

As you think of what you will write for each point, you should both think about what someone who takes the opposite view might say about your point.

If you can’t think of anything, you will need to research that point to help you understand this alternative perspective. This is, primarily, the first step in writing your counter argument paper, but by the end of this step you will have completed the foundation for the entire paper. You should find that much of the work in writing a counter argument paper was already done when you were preparing to write your original argument paper


My argument paper ********

Enforcing Laws to Assist People 

In today’s community, many types of individuals need assistance to fulfill their essential needs for survival. Students looking for financial support to further their education and senior citizens who can no longer work are especially vulnerable. This community has been turned away and found obstacles while attempting to find assistance from the government. It is evident that assistance is needed for these people; it is upsetting to see that many individuals who need aid are not provided with the support necessary to survive. This argumentative essay seeks to explain, “What kind of assistance do people need?” A deeper comprehension is needed to understand the complexities of assistance relief. To create a better system, society must change and educate how people in need can benefit from government assistance.

People eligible to get health insurance from the government programs such as Medicaid and Medicare must fulfill many prerequisites to get assistance(Wharton 17). The population is counted through the U.S. Census, conducted every 10 years in the United States by the federal government. The government then determines the amount of money to be disbursed to each of the States according to the population. While distributing the funds, the government mandates that assistance be provided only for those who live in that state (Wharton 17). The distribution of funding is utilized for low-income families or for the needy. According to Edgar-André Montigny (1997), the government ordained the Poor Law, where the elderly was forced out of work due to their age and enacted for their families to provide for them financially.

 In the U.S., undocumented children who have completed high school cannot seek additional or further their education. Undocumented students cannot apply for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in the U.S. due to their legal status. They prevent them from having a chance to complete a successful career and never getting an opportunity to go to college or a university (Romero 93). Additionally, it also mentions the Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, which was passed into law during President Clinton’s term as president. Due to the reform that was put into place in 1996, it became more difficult for undocumented individuals to acquire financial assistance for their education (Romero 92). Many families have brought their children to live in the United States. However, they have become a burden to the parents because they are ineligible to receive assistance due to their legal status. Students who have graduated from high school that wish to continue their education in this nation cannot do so because of their immigration status. This population is often denied this opportunity to enter a college or university.  Indicating the state-allocated funding for schools based on the standardized testing rules and the number of children who pass the tests not counting the undocumented children (Wharton 18 ). Some states disagree with standardized testing being used as a form of asking for financial support and instead for it to focus on how the children are learning or being taught. Instead of teaching them fundamental basic life skills through the system of education in which they are enrolled. 

The government took steps to reduce the number of old people participating in the labor force to make room for new employment positions for the younger population ( Montigny 62). People who reached retirement age were required to leave work before establishing the social security programs and the workforce (Montigny 62). The government created the Poor Law to assist elderly persons who could not work and advised their families to provide financial support( Montigny 62). Employing older workers eventually became a liability for businesses and industries.  Furthermore, this law left the elderly with limited financial resources to support and provide for their families. The elderly became a financial burden for their families. 

Kathleen, (2006),  states that individuals are taking advantage of the government’s support, and assistance is not accessible to everybody. The government established rules and income-based guidelines to aid needy families and those who qualify(Kathleen 40). Kathleen, (2006) states that many families must be employed and go to school to be eligible for assistance. In the United States, families who are in need must present appropriate documentation or will not be eligible to get assistance. The federal government and state guidelines have prerequisites to be eligible for assistance.

To conclude, this essay explains why laws should be in place for the government to assist those in need. The insight is that many people in the U.S. need the proper assistance. It has explained that the immigrant cannot receive aid because their legal status in the U.S. disqualifies them from receiving financial aid to further their education. The income guidelines set in place in the United States make people ineligible to get the assistance they need to support their families. Many people live paycheck to paycheck making it difficult to support their families with their earnings and making just enough to provide the essential needs. 

Work Cited 

Edgar-André Montigny. Foisted Upon the Government? : State Responsibilities, Family Obligations, & Care of the Dependent Aged in Late 19th-Century Ont. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1997. EBSCOhost, 10 June 2023

Kathleen M. Shaw, et al. Putting Poor People to Work : How the Work-First Idea Eroded College Access for the Poor. Russell Sage Foundation, 2006. EBSCOhost, 10 June 2023 

Tony Wharton. A House Divided : What Would We Have to Give Up to Get the Political System We Want? National Issues Forums Institute, 2019. EBSCOhost, 10 June 2023

Victor C. Romero. Alienated : Immigrant Rights, the Constitution, and Equality in America. NYU Press, 2005. EBSCOhost, 10 June 2023