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LieutenantHerringPerson627 Noah is an 18-month-old German boy, and it is his first day today….Noah is an 18-month-old German boy, and it is his first day today. He and his family have recently moved to Australia from Germany due to his father’s work. His mother, Leah, can speak English but not very fluently. His father, Ben, is fluent in English.
This morning, Leah dropped Noah off, stayed for 20 minutes and briefed you on Noah’s care routines and needs for the day. Throughout the day you struggled to get Noah settled and while you have cared for him according to the routine list, he did not seem to respond to you as much as he did during his orientation.
At pick up time, Leah says that he is called Bärchen (nickname) at home. Leah thought it would be better to use his actual name at school.
Little Catalysts ELC have not had a family of German origin in the service in a number of years and as such, German is not included in the curriculum or resources as yet. In the main indoor play area, there is a wall of languages and cultural images depicting all the children’s cultural backgrounds, as the service has been exploring the theme of United Nations over the last four weeks.

Q1) Consider how you would work with Leah, Ben and Noah to ensure they experience a sense of belonging and are able to settle into the service with as little difficulty as possible.
Identify the issues present in this scenario for Leah, Noah and staff at the service and what may cause communication misunderstandings or other difficulties

Q2 ) Provide a list of strategies and resources that would support cross-cultural communication, for both children and adults alike, to help Noah, Ben and Leah settle into the service community.
Include strategies that would support Noah and his family in feeling part of the service community
Consider how you’ll overcome the language barriers
Refer to the ECA Code of Ethics and discuss how this informs actions you would take. would support cross-cultural communication, for both children and adults alike, to help Noah, Ben and Leah settle into the service community.
Include strategies that would support Noah and his family in feeling part of the service community
Consider how you’ll overcome the language barriers
Refer to the ECA Code of Ethics and discuss how this informs actions you would take.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish