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CoachViperMaster1028 Multiple choice: 1) The most popular animal oil for perfume today…

Multiple choice:

1) The most popular animal oil for perfume today is musk. Although some people dislike its heavy, sweet odor.
1. The most popular animal oil for perfume today is musk, although some people dislike its heavy, sweet odor.
2. The most popular animal oil for perfume today is musk although, some people dislike its heavy, sweet odor.
3. The most popular animal oil for perfume today is musk. Some people dislike its heavy, sweet odor.
4. The most popular animal oil for perfume today is musk although some people dislike its heavy, sweet odor.

2) It was too sad to leave my country. Where I having almost all of my memories.
1. It was too sad to leave my country where I am having almost all of my memories.
2. It was too sad to leave my country where I have almost all of my memories.
3. It was too sad to leave my country. Where, I having almost all of my memories.
4. It was too sad to leave my country where I was having almost all of my memories.

3)I may be wrong, but this is what I have seen: If the bosses have to choose employers between the whites and colored people. They usually choose the whites more than the colored. Even though the colored people having more experience or higher education.
1. I may be wrong, but this is what I have seen: If the bosses have to choose employers between the whites and colored people, they usually choose the whites more than the colored even though the colored people have more experience or higher education.
2.I may be wrong, but this is what I have seen: If the bosses have to choose employers between the whites and colored people. They usually choose the whites more than the colored. Even though the colored people have more experience or higher education.
3.I may be wrong, but this is what I have seen: If the bosses have to choose employers between the whites and colored people. They usually choose the whites more than the colored even though the colored people having more experience or higher education.
4.I may be wrong, but this is what I have seen: If the bosses had to choose employers between the whites and colored people. They usually choose the whites more than the colored. Even though the colored people having more experience or higher education.

4) A recent addition to the library is a new wing. Which allows more rooms for students to use for their quiet study and for more books and equipment. Such as computers, overhead projectors, and audio-visual machines.
1.A recent addition to the library is a new wing which allows more rooms for students to use for their quiet study and for more books and equipment. Such as computers, overhead projectors, and audiovisual machines
2.A recent addition to the library is a new wing which allows more rooms for students to use for their quiet study and for more books and equipment, such as computers, overhead projectors, and audio-visual machines.
3.A recent addition to the library is a new wing which, allows more rooms for students to use for their quiet study and for more books and equipment, such as, computers, overhead projectors, and audio-visual machines
4.A recent addition to the library is a new wing. Which allowing more rooms for students to use for their quiet study and for more books and equipment. Such as computers, overhead projectors, and audio-visual machines

5) It’s harmful for children to experience such intense pressure before they fully grown.
1. It’s harmful for children to experience such intense pressure before they have fully grown.
2. It’s harmful for children to experience such intense pressure before they fully grow.
3. It’s harmful for children to experience such intense pressure before they fully growing up.
4. It’s harmful for children to experience such intense pressure before they are fully growing up

6) Many people feel that when they were young adults. They had difficulty communicating with their parents. They feel that the generation gap makes it hard for parents to understand their maturing children. Others feel that communication getting easier as children become more mature.
1.Many people feel that when they were young adults. They had difficulty to communicate with their parents. They feel that the generation gap makes it hard for parents to understand their mature children. Others feel that communication getting easier as children become more mature.
2.Many people feel that when they were young adults they had difficulty communicating with their parents they feel that the generation gap makes it hard for parents to understand their maturing children. Others feel that communication getting easier as children become more mature.
3.Many people feel that when they were young adults. They had difficulty communicating with their parents. They feel that the generation gap making it hard for parents to understand their maturing children. Others feel that communication is getting easier as children become more mature.
4.Many people feel that when they were young adults, they had difficulty communicating with their parents. They feel that the generation gap makes it hard for parents to understand their maturing children. Others feel that communication gets easier as children become more mature.

7) Although providing a health and fitness center it sounds like a great idea, but last year, the college already spent a large amount of money on it.
1. Although providing a health and fitness center it sounds like a great idea, but last year, the college already spend a large amount of money on it.
2.Although providing a health and fitness center it sounds like a great idea, last year, the college already spent a large amount of money on it.
3.Although providing a health and fitness center sounds like a great idea, last year, the college already spent a large amount of money on it.
4.Providing a health and fitness center it sounds like a great idea, but last year, the college already spent a large amount of money on it.

8) On the other hand, building a new student union building so that students will have a place to conduct
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extracurricular activities it will not benefit every student. Because only a few students will join a group and have access to the place.
1.On the other hand, building a new student union building so that students will have a place to conduct extracurricular activities it will not benefit every student because only a few students will join a group and have access to the place.
2.On the other hand, building a new student union building so that students will have a place to conduct extracurricular activities will not benefit every student. Because only a few students will join a group and have access to the place.
3.On the other hand, building a new student union building so that students will have a place to conduct extracurricular activities it will not benefit every student. Because, only a few students will join a group and have access to the place.
4.On the other hand, building a new student union building so that students will have a place to conduct extracurricular activities will not benefit every student because only a few students will join a group and have access to the place.
Arts & HumanitiesEnglish