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Make a LIST of MAIN POINTS evident in the SECTION titled An…

Make a LIST of MAIN POINTS evident in the SECTION titled An Untimely Death  in the chapter,  Prologue: The Strange Death of Silas Deane
Focus on MAIN POINTS about his life BEFORE his death on the ship sailing back to America
Your LIST should ONLY INCLUDE significant or important points made about his life BEFORE he set sail for America

this is an example of how to START your LIST, not telling you how many main points there are
how many (?) is for you to determine (figure out) by actively using your reading skills
DO NOT include details or explanations
ONLY INCLUDE  MAIN POINTS made in the assigned reading
first differentiate between MAIN POINTS the authors make AND details / explanations he provides about OR to back up (support) the MAIN POINTS
your LIST of MAIN POINTS should follow the ORDER of the information AS IT APPEARS in the story
use mostly YOUR OWN WORDS to restate EACH Main Point
using the same wording from the text is copying, not PARAPHRASING (using your own words)
copying exact wording does not show that you understand the material
Use ACCURATE  information from the reading
inaccuracy makes it appear as if you did not carefully read the material
inaccurate information is verifiable (can be double-checked) in the text
DO NOT include your opinion or thoughts
this is ONLY about what the AUTHOR is saying


use the text below to complete this question thank you 

The Strange Death ofSilas Deane
The rumorsfloating around London pointed to suicide. But “what really happened” to Silas Deane could not be discovered unless historians rejected the notion that they were merely couriers between the past and present.
The writing of history is one of the most familiar ways of organizing human knowledge. And yet, if familiarity has not always bred contempt, it has at least encouraged a good deal of misunderstanding. All of us meet history at a tender age when tales of the past easily blend with heroic myths of the cul­ ture. In Golden Books, Abe Lincoln looms every bit as large as Paul Bunyan, while George Washington’s cherry tree gets chopped down yearly with almost as much ritual as St. Nick’s Christmas tree goes up. Despite this long familiarity, or perhaps because of it, most students absorb the required facts about the past without any real conception of what history is. Even worse, most think they do know what it is and never get around to discovering what they missed.
“History is what happened in the past.” That statement is the every­ day view of the matter. It supposes that historians must return to the past through the surviving records and bring it back to the present to display as “what really happened.” The everyday view recognizes that this task is often difficult. But historians are said to succeed if they bring back the facts without distorting them or forcing a new perspective on them. In effect, historians are seen as couriers between the past and present. Like all good messengers, they are expected simply to deliver their information without adding to it.
This everyday view of history is profoundly misleading. In order to dem­ onstrate how it is misleading, we would like to examine in detail an event that “happened in the past”-the death of Silas Deane. Deane does not appear in most American history texts, and rightly so. He served as a distinctly second­ rank diplomat for the United States during the years of the American Revo­ lution. Yet the story of Deane’s death is an excellent example of an event that
cannot be understood merely by transporting it, courier-like, to the present. In short, it illustrates the important difference between “what happened in the past ” and what history really is.
Silas Deane’s career began with one of those rags-to-riches stories so much appreciated in American folklore.In fact, Deane might have made a lasting place for himself in the history texts, except that his career ended with an equally dramatic riches-to-rags story.
He began life as the son of a humble blacksmith in Groton, Connecticut. The blacksmith had aspirations for his boy and sent him to Yale College, where Silas was quick to take advantage of his opportunities.After studying law, Deane opened a practice near Hartford; he then continued his climb up the social ladder by marrying a well-to-do widow, whose inheritance included the business of her late husband, a merchant.Conveniently, Deane became a merchant.After his first wife died, he married the granddaughter of a former governor of Connecticut.
Not content to remain a prospering businessman, Deane entered poli­ tics.He served on Connecticut’s Committee of Correspondence and later as a delegate to the first and second Continental Congresses, where he attracted the attention of prominent leaders, including Benjamin Franklin, Robert Morris, and John Jay.In 1776 Congress sent Deane to France as the first American to represent the united colonies abroad.His mission was to purchase badly needed military supplies for the Revolutionary cause.A few months later, Benjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee joined him in an attempt to arrange a formal treaty of alliance with France.The American commission­ ers concluded the alliance in March 1778.
Deane worked hard to progress from the son of a blacksmith all the way to Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States to the Court of France. Most observers described him as ambitious: someone who thoroughly enjoyed fame, honor, and wealth. “You know his ambition- ” wrote John Adams to one correspondent, “his desire of making a Fortune….You also know his Art and Enterprise.Such Characters are often useful, altho always to be carefully watched and contracted, specially in such a government as ours.” One man in particular suspected Deane enough to watch him: Arthur Lee, the third member of the American mission.Lee accused Deane of tak­ ing unfair advantage of his official position to make a private fortune-as much as £50,000, some said.Deane stoutly denied the accusations, and Con­ gress engaged in a heated debate over his conduct.In 1778 it voted to recall its Minister Plenipotentiary, although none of the charges had been conclu­ sively proved.
Deane embroiled himself in further controversy in 1781, having written friends to recommend that America sue for peace and patch up the quarrel with England.His letters were intercepted, and copies of them turned up in

 The Strange Death ofSilas De11ne X1X
“You know his ambition desire ofmaking a Fortune….You also know his Art and Enterprise.Such Characters are often useful, altho always to be carefully watched and contracted, specially in such a government as ours.”-:John Adams on Silas Deane.
a New York Tory newspaper just after Cornwals surrendered to Washington at Yorktown. For Deane, the timing could not have been worse. With Ameri­ can victory complete, anyone advocating that the United States rejoin Britain was considered as much a traitor as BenedictArnold. So Deane suddenlyfound himself adrift. He could not return to America, for no one would have him. Nor could he go to England without confirming his reputation as a traitor. And he could not stay in France, where he had injudiciously accused Louis XVI of aiding the Americans for purely selfish reasons. Rejected on all sides, Deane took refuge in Flanders.
The next few years of his life were spent unhappily. Without friends and with little money, he continued in Flanders until 1783, when the controversy

had died down enough for him to move to England. There he lived in obscu­ rity, took to drink, and wound up boarding at the house of an unsavory pros­ titute. The only friend who remained faithful to him was Edward Bancroft, another Connecticut Yankee who, as a boy, had been Deane’s pupil and later
The onlyfriend who remained faithful was Edward Bancroft, a spy for the Americans who had known Deane in Paris.
his personal secretary during the Paris negotiations for the alliance. Although Bancroft’s position as a secretary seemed innocent enough, members of the Continental Con­ gress knew that Bancroft was also
acting as a spy for the Americans, using his connections in England to secure information about the British ministry’s war plans. With the war concluded, Bancroft was back in London. Out of kindness, he provided Deane with liv­ ing money from time to time.
Finally, Deane decided he could no longer live in London and in 1789 booked passage on a ship sailing for the United States. When Thomas Jefferson heard the news, he wrote his friendJames Madison: “Silas Deane is coming over to finish his days in America, not having one sou to subsist on elsewhere. He is a wretched monument of the consequences of a departure
from right.”
The rest of the sad story could be gotten from the obituaries. Deane
boarded the Boston Packet in mid-September, and it sailed out of London down the Thames River to the Atlantic. A storm came up, however, and on September 19 the ship lost both its anchors and beat a course for safer shel­ ter, to wait out the storm. On September 22, while walking the quarterdeck with the ship’s captain, Deane suddenly “complain’d of a dizziness in his head, and an oppression at his stomach.” The captain immediately put him to bed. Deane’s condition worsened; twice he tried to say something, but no one was able to make out his words. A “drowsiness and insensibility continu­ ally incroached upon his faculties,” and only four hours after the first signs of illness he breathed his last.
Such, in outline, was the rise and fall of the ambitious Silas Deane. The story itself seems pretty clear, although certainly people might interpret it in different ways. ThomasJefferson thought Deane’s unhappy career demon­ strated “the consequences of a departure from right,” whereas one English newspaper more sympathetically attributed his downfall to the mistake of “placing confidence in his [American] Compatriots, and doing them service before he had got his compensation, of which no well-bred Politician was before him ever guilty.” Yet either way, the basic story remains the same­ the same, that is, until the historian begins putting together a more complete account of Deane’s life. Then some of the basic facts become clouded.
For example, a researcher familiar with the correspondence of Americans in Europe during 1789 would realize that a rumor had been making its way around London in the weeks following Deane’s death. According to certain people, Deane had become depressed by his poverty, ill health, and low reputa­ tion, and consequently had committed suicide.John Cutting, a New England

 The Strange Death ofSilas Deane XX1
merchant and friend of Jefferson, mentioned the rumor that Deane “had predetermin’d to take a sufficient quantity of Laudanum [a form of opium] to ensure his dissolution” before the boat could sail for America. John Quincy Adams heard that “every probability” of the situation suggested Deane’s death was “voluntary and self-administered.” And Tom Paine, the famous pamphle­ teer, also reported the gossip: “Cutting told me he took poison.”