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CommodoreFang9732  . Like 44 percent of Americans, I make New Year’s resolutions-and…Image transcription textLike 44 percent of Americans, I make New Year’s resolutions-andusually don’t keep them for long. How many times had I resolvedto exercise more, eat better, and keep up with my e-ma… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textGO TO SLEEP EARLIER. First: bodily energy. A glamorous friendwith a tendency to make sweeping pronouncements had told methat “Sleep is the new sex,” and I’d recentl… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textpay bills, or whatever, instead of going to bed. Nevertheless, just afew days into the happiness project, although I practically fellasleep on Eliza’s purple sheets as I was tucking her in, I… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”Huh” was all he said, but he did help me move some thingson the nightstand to block the light coming from our alarm clock.These changes did seem to make falling asleep easier. … Show more… Show moreImage transcription texttiring, in fact, it boosts energy, especially in sedentary people—ofwhom there are many. A recent study showed that 25 percent ofAmericans don’t get any exercise at all. Just by exercisi… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textEver since that room redecoration, I’ve been Exercising regularly. Inever push myself hard, but I get myself out the door severaltimes a week. For a long time, however, I’d been thinki… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textsessions on my credit card to get the discount, and within amonth, I’d convinced Jamie and my mother-in-law, Judy, to startgoing to the same gym. The only disadvantage was tha… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textthe extra attention they’re getting. In this case, I was the guineapig of my own experiment. Walking had an added benefit: ithelped me to think. Nietzsche wrote, “All truly great dr… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textwho had an opinion about everything, did remark, “No money isbetter spent that what is laid out for domestic satisfaction.”By contrast, when I turned to popular culture, discussi… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textwas finishing my biography of Winston Churchill. . .my mothermade me feel that nothing was insurmountable if I did what Iknew ought to be done, little by little. My evaluation of… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textthings until somehow] felt they’d been “used up” by sitting in acloset or on a shelf—the canvas bag that I’d used only once since Ibought it two years ago, those impractical white pants…. Show more… Show moreImage transcription textplanned only on sorting through hanging items, but, energized andinspired, I attacked my sock and T—shirt drawers. Instead ofpawing around for items to eliminate, I emptied each d… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWho knew that doing something so mundane could give me such akick? By this point, I was jonesing for more of the clutter-clearingbuzz, so while a pregnant friend opened her presents a… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textluxurious waste of something useful for the sheer elegance of it. Ihad to have one. I went home, went straight to my hall closet, andemptied a shelf. It wasn’t a big shelf, but it was empty. … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textI also hit on a few daily rules to help keep the apartment fromconstantly falling into disorder. First, following my FourthCommandment, “Do it now,” I started to apply the “on… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textUnfinished tasks were draining my energy and making me feelguilty. I felt like a bad friend because I hadn’t bought a weddinggift. I felt like an irresponsible family member because … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textonly forty-eight words and took forty-five seconds to write—yet ithad been weighing on my mind for at least two weeks. Suchunfinished tasks were disproportionately draining. An … Show more… Show moreImage transcription texthad periods when I felt overtaxed, they became less frequent. Ifound that rewarding myself for good behavior-even when thatreward was nothing more than a check mark that I gav… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textRubin referred to some tasks as boomerang tasks because theywere not actually done one time but resulted in something comingback to her to complete. O True O False… Show moreImage transcription textRubin was used to rewarding herself for good behavior, so shewas happy to give herself a checkmark on her Resolutions Chart.O True O False… Show moreImage transcription textWhy did getting rid of many of her clothes make Rubin feelhappier? O She was angry at first. but then she was happy aboutsaying so much money on clothes. O She was not happi… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textRubin accepted that some small tasks would have to be doneevery day, such as: O getting a light repaired by an electrician Oflossing her teeth and wearing sunscreen O getting ne… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textAfter Rubin spends a few hours cleaning out her closet, she feelsexhausted. O True O False… Show moreImage transcription textRubin believes that stating a problem clearly»r will usuallysuggest a solution. C) True O False … Show moreImage transcription textRubin writes, “I had an image of myself sitting in front of ahive-shaped laptop, while reminders in the form of beesdive-bombed my head, buzzing. ‘Do me!’ “Do me… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textIn chapter 1, Rubin mentions all of these types of clutter except: Ofreebie Clutter O nostalgic clutter O conservation Clutter Obargain clutter O writing Clutter … Show moreImage transcription textRubin writes about the benefits of lifting weights which include allof these things except: O increasing the amount of muscle Omaintaining a good body shape O improves sleep at ni… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textRubin shares the anecdote [true story] of how her father agreedto help redecorate her bedroom if she went for a twenty-minuterun, four times per week. 1|Which type of motivation … Show more… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish