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Lesson Plan Proposal—Animal Farm   What is the goal of your…

Lesson Plan Proposal—Animal Farm


What is the goal of your lesson plan? What do you want to teach the class?






What do YOU need to do in order to make sure you are ready to teach/present your lesson plan?






Walk me through the lesson plan. How will it begin? How will it end? What do you want to cover?







Paragraph 1
The first paragraph will define power. Power can be understood as the ability to influence, control, or manipulate the behavior of others or the environment (Lukes, 2005). Power is often seen as the ability to command respect and to make decisions. It can be classified into three categories: coercive, reward-based, and ideological (Mangal, 2016). Coercive power is the ability to force or manipulate people to do something; reward-based power is the ability to reward people for desired behavior; and ideological power is the ability to influence people’s beliefs and values.


Paragraph 2
The second paragraph will discuss relevant examples of corruption from Animal Farm. Corruption is defined as the abuse of power or position for personal gain (Mangal, 2016). In Animal Farm, the pigs are the clear example of corruption. The pigs use their power to manipulate the other animals, to create rules that favor only themselves, and to gain control of the farm’s resources. They also use their power to oppress the other animals and to prevent them from challenging their authority.


Paragraph 3
The third paragraph will explore why and how corruption happens. Corruption is generally caused by a lack of checks and balances, a lack of accountability, and a lack of transparency (Lukes, 2005). In Animal Farm, the pigs use their power to create a system in which they are the only ones in control. They also use their power to create rules that favor only themselves, and to prevent the other animals from challenging their authority. This allows them to gain control of the farm’s resources and to oppress the other animals.


Paragraph 4
The fourth paragraph will analyze whether or not corruption is inevitable. According to Mangal (2016), corruption is not inevitable. It can be prevented by creating systems of accountability, transparency, and checks and balances. In Animal Farm, the animals could have prevented corruption by creating a more equitable system and by recognizing the importance of sharing power. They could have also created a system of checks and balances to ensure that no one individual would be able to gain too much power.


Paragraph 5
The fifth paragraph will discuss how the themes of power and corruption are relevant today. The themes of power and corruption in Animal Farm are still relevant today. We still see the use of power for personal gain and the abuse of power for personal benefit. We also see systems that allow certain individuals to gain power and influence, while preventing others from challenging this power. In order to prevent corruption, it is important to create systems of accountability, transparency, and checks and balances.


In conclusion, power and corruption are important themes in Animal Farm. Power can be defined as the ability to influence, control, or manipulate the behavior of others or the environment. Corruption is the abuse of power or position for personal gain. It is caused by a lack of checks and balances, accountability, and transparency. Corruption is not inevitable and can be prevented by creating systems of accountability, transparency, and checks and balances.


Lukes, S. (2005). Power: A Radical View. Palgrave Macmillan. 
Mangal, S. (2016). Power and Corruption. Oxford University Press. 
Animal Farm. (1945). George Orwell.


Lesson Plan
The nature of authority and corruption are topics that will be covered in this lesson plan for Animal Farm. To be more specific, the lesson plan will evaluate what power is, the many sorts of power, pertinent instances of corruption, why and how corruption arises, and whether or not corruption is unavoidable. In order to provide context for the conversation, it will draw from three scholarly sources.


Paragraph 1
The concept of power will be explained in the first paragraph. One definition of power is the capacity to influence, control, or otherwise exert some kind of influence or control over the actions of other people or over the external environment (Lukes, 2005). It is common to define power as the capacity to decide important matters and to compel respect from others. It is possible to divide it into the following three categories: coercive, reward-based, and ideological (Mangal, 2016). The ability to force or manipulate people into doing something is an example of coercive power, while the ability to reward people for desired behavior is an example of reward-based power, and ideological power is the ability to influence people’s beliefs and values is an example of ideological power.


Paragraph 2
The instances of corruption that are pertinent to Animal Farm will be discussed in the second paragraph. The misuse of authority or position for the purpose of obtaining personal advantage is one definition of corruption (Mangal, 2016). The pigs in Animal Farm serve as an excellent illustration of unscrupulous behavior. The pigs utilize their dominance to exert influence on the other animals on the farm, to establish rules that work to their advantage, and to seize control of the resources that are available. They also utilize their power to subjugate the other animals and to stop them from opposing their dominance. They do this by preventing them from speaking out.


Paragraph 3
The reasons for and methods of corrupt behavior will be discussed in the third paragraph. In most cases, corruption is the result of a lack of accountability, checks and balances, and transparency in the system (Lukes, 2005). In the novel Animal Farm, the pigs take advantage of their position of power to establish a hierarchy in which they are the only dictators. They also utilize their power to establish laws that exclusively benefit themselves and to prevent the other creatures from opposing their authority. This is one of the ways that they maintain their position of dominance. Because of this, they are able to exert their dominance over the other animals on the farm and take control of the resources.


Paragraph 4
In the fourth paragraph, we shall examine the question of whether or not corruption can be prevented. Mangal (2016) argues that corrupt behavior is not an unavoidable social phenomenon. Putting in place structures that include accountability, transparency, and checks and balances is one way to stop it from happening. In the story Animal Farm, the animals may have been able to stop the corruption that was taking place if they had devised a more just system and understood the significance of power distribution. They also had the ability to design a system that included checks and balances, which would have ensured that no one person could amass an excessive amount of power.


Paragraph 5
In the fifth paragraph, we are going to talk about how the themes of power and corruption are significant in today’s world. The ideas of power and graft that are explored in Animal Farm are still prevalent in our society. There is still evidence of people abusing their positions of power for their own profit, as well as using power for their own benefit. There are also structures that enable certain people to amass power and influence while prohibiting others from challenging that dominance. It is essential to establish mechanisms of accountability and transparency, as well as checks and balances, in order to eliminate the possibility of corruption.


To summarize, power and graft are two major topics that are explored throughout Animal Farm. One definition of power is the capacity to exert influence, control, or manipulation over the actions of other people or over the external environment. The misuse of authority or position for the purpose of obtaining personal advantage is corruption. The absence of checks and balances, accountability, and openness all contribute to its development. Creating systems of accountability, transparency, and checks and balances is one way to reduce the likelihood of corrupt behavior and make its prevention possible. Corruption is not unavoidable.