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10rachelrolfing10 Kuai, an only child from the Guangxi province in China, enrolled at…Kuai, an only child from the Guangxi province in China, enrolled at Deer Creek Elementary (DCE) School approximately three weeks ago.  His family was sponsored by a local church in this rural community, its first success in helping those in need from across the world.  Kuai’s family speaks Mandarin, and Kuai seems to have had very little experience with formal schooling.  He spends his time in Mr. Levinson’s third grade class looking around but not engaging with anyone unless he is receiving one-to-one support.  The problem is that there is only one ESL teacher for the entire district, and she has to allocate her time among all six schools spread across many miles.  In total honesty, she also admits that she is most confident and comfortable assisting children who speak Spanish or other Romance languages.  For now, given the fact that Kuai is the only student at DCE needing ESL services and given the very real distance and budget constraints in the district, a decision is made that Ms. Tobin, the special educator who already co-teaches with Mr. Levinson, should try to help Kuai as much as she can.  Ms. Tobin has contacted Kuai’s parents, but she has not been successful in setting up a meeting with them. A church member has indicated that the family seems very confused by American schools and culture and needs time to adjust.  In the meantime, Ms. Tobin and Mr. Levinson are trying to support Kuai using materials from the ESL teacher and spending lots of time looking for ideas on the Internet.  As a newcomer to the U.S. Kuai is unfamiliar with the language, culture, and school expectations.  His situation is complicated by the fact that he is in a rural area with access to only very limited ESL services complemented by the efforts of Mr. Levinson and Ms. Tobin, who are trying to help him but who are not knowledgeable in teaching an English language learner.    Use above to answer the following. Using the principles of UDL discussed in Chapter 1 and multicultural education, if Kuai was assigned to you as a teacher, how would you begin to teach him?  What additional resources would you access? How could a special educator like Ms. Tobin be an asset in working with Kuai?  What are possible drawbacks to a special educator working with a student such as Kuai?Arts & HumanitiesEnglish