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ISTE Standards for Educators (2020). ISTE standards for…

ISTE Standards for Educators (2020). ISTE standards for educators.



In today’s world, educators should use collaborative tools to expand students’ authentic and real-world experiences by engaging virtually with experts, teams, and students, locally and globally (ISTE Standards for Educators). According to his standard, how would you design a lesson and activity in your content/bilingual/ESL class to engage your students’ learning? Also, please discuss briefly when do you choose these technologies to create authentic learning experience ? 


As an educator I strongly believe in the value of incorporating tools to enhance students’ learning experiences. In my experience these tools have proven to be instrumental in helping students gain insights into cultures and perspectives, improving their communication skills and fostering teamwork. To illustrate this point let me share an example from my content class. Recently I assigned a project that required students to create presentation on a topic of their choosing. To facilitate collaboration and cross cultural learning we utilized platforms like Google Docs to enable the sharing of presentations with students from countries. This allowed our students to gain insights from perspectives while honing their communication skills. Additionally I have successfully integrated tools into my ESL classes. For instance I recently had my students conduct video interviews with speakers of the language they’re learning. Collaborative platforms like Skype provided a platform for these interviews. This exercise did not help improve their speaking and listening abilities. Also exposed them to different cultural nuances embedded within the language. When selecting technologies for learning experiences I carefully consider the needs of my students. For projects that require teamwork and collaboration I prioritize user tools that facilitate real time communication. In summary, by incorporating tools into classrooms we can provide students with educational opportunities that promote cultural understanding, effective communication skills development and meaningful collaborations, among peers.

In addition I make sure to select technologies that align with the topic being taught. For instance if the students are studying an event I might utilize a tool that grants them access to sources.

I am convinced that by incorporating tools into the learning process I can broaden students’ exposure to practical experiences. This will aid them in acquiring the skills for thriving in the era.

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