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Interview Skills Objective: Identify skills needed for a successful…

Interview Skills

Objective: Identify skills needed for a successful interview experience

Now that you have found a job lead and filled out the application, then an interview is the next step to obtaining employment. Common sense is the best guide for a successful interview. If the interviewer is impressed with your appearance and grooming, it will put you one step closer to a job offer.


Dress for the interview as you would expect to dress for the job. For example, if you are applying for an office position, then you should wear dress clothes. If you are applying for a job as a delivery person, then slacks and a sports shirt or skirt and blouse may be more appropriate. Do not wear caps, jeans, or t -shirts.
Check your clothes before the interview. Clean any spots and repair any missing buttons or zippers. Make certain your clothes are clean and pressed. Take a look at your shoes. Are they clean?
Look at yourself in the mirror. Is your hair clean and neatly combed? Have you bathed properly? Are you clean-shaven? Are your nails and hands clean and groomed? Do you have the chewing gum habit? You know the proper answers to these and other grooming questions. Do you practice good grooming on a daily basis? Good grooming should be a lifelong habit, not just an interview practice. Although good grooming is necessary for a successful job interview, it is also necessary for keeping your job. Co-workers do not want to work with someone who is Sloppy and dirty. Proper grooming will help you get a job, keep a job, and advance on the job.
During the interview be aware of your posture. Sit straight and do not slouch. Do not sit until the interviewer asks you to do so. Do not cross your legs or use otherwise casual gestures. Try to keep a pleasant expression, even though you are probably nervous. Stay alert and interested! It may mean the difference in a job offer that day.


Interviews can be very stressful, but careful preparation may help reduce some of that stress. The more prepared you are with your appearance and body language, the better your chances are for a successful outcome. Even though you may not get the job you interviewed for this time, you learn with every interview. In addition, you never know who you are going to meet that may help you later on with your career.


Directions: Follow the directions in Part A and Part B below to complete the assignment.

Part A

Now that you have reviewed these basic interview techniques, write an essay of about (150 words) on how to prepare for and handle an interview. Perhaps you would like to tell about a past experience.

Part B

Explain your best interview preparation techniques.