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Instructions: Put the following 10 arguments below into Standard…


Put the following 10 arguments below into Standard Argument Form following the model and drawing on the skills taught in Lesson 4.
ROUGH WORK = Break down the argument and show your work. )
Put square brackets around each separate claim or proposition. Number each separate claim or proposition. Put the number inside the square brackets, not outside of the square brackets.
If applicable, add in missing words to clarify meaning using pointy brackets. Put the contents of the pointy brackets in italics.
Highlight ALL signal words in the argument from the following groups of signal words taught in lesson 3: emphasis, addition, comparison or contrast, illustration, and cause and effect (includes premise and conclusion signal words).
DIAGRAM THE ARGUMENT = Put the arguments into Standard Argument Form. )
State each premise separately. Do not string separate premises together into one premise.
Follow the model for putting arguments into Standard Argument Form taught in Lesson 4.



We shouldn’t ban books in schools because it undermines free thought, and it limits what we can teach.


 [1 We shouldn’t ban books in schools] because [2 it undermines free thought], and [3 it limits what we can teach]. 


P1: It «banning books> undermines free thought. 

P2: It limits what we can teach. 

C: We shouldn’t ban books in schools.




The value of free expression seems so fundamental to me that it hardly needs a defense. It is, after all, enshrined in the First Amendment of the US Constitution. But like any dogma, there is utility in occasionally challenging the assumptions that undergird it. Therefore, I don’t consider myself an absolutist about anything — except for free speech.



   2- Canada ought to have capital punishment because all guilty people deserve to be punished, and only guilty people deserve to be punished. Furthermore, guilty people deserve to be punished in proportion to the severity of their crime.



3- Gun control should be banned. There’s still murder in countries where handguns are banned. Gun rights will protect you from a police state. Armed civilians help take out the bad guys.



4-The more time spent on social media can lead to unwanted conditions, such as cyberbullying, social anxiety, depression, and exposure to content that is not age appropriate. Moreover, people use it in place of actual communication and in-person socializing. The idea that you might miss out on something if you’re not continually checking social media can affect your mental health. Accordingly, with all its benefits, the nature of social media presents a range of potential issues.



5-Globalization is nothing but a nightmare. Any gains of globalization are for the rich at the cost of the poor. The new global order has been experiencing increased financial volatility, and it is the source of repeated economic crises.




6-Workers should share in management decisions. They are affected by those decisions, and often they know as much or more about the running of the plant than do the senior managers who usually make the decisions.



7-The primary purpose of a university education is to train people so that they can get well-paying jobs. Liberal arts courses such as critical thinking, sociology, and philosophy do not help people get well-paying jobs. So, these courses should not be part of a university education.



8-Professional athletes who use steroids to enhance performance should be banned from competition for at least two years. Not only do such athletes undermine the basic idea of fair competition, but they set a bad example for young people who admire them.



9-Women make up over fifty-one percent of the population. Women, however, make up only twenty-three percent of all university faculties. Of those on faculty, over two-thirds occupy the lower academic ranks of instructor and assistant professor. This is a clear indication that women have been discriminated against in the university system.



10-The lower a person’s education, the more likely he or she is to smoke, and the more difficulty that person has in quitting smoking. Obviously, being less educated causes people to smoke. Thus, the solution to getting people to stop smoking is to develop a more educated populace.