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JudgeArt9352 Information Processing Model: (IPM) Molly The information…Information Processing Model: (IPM) MollyThe information processing model (IPM) helps us understand how individuals learn. Learning starts with taking information in through a variety of senses (attention/input). Once the information is “in” we must do something with it (thinking/processing) and we also use this information by sharing it in some way (response/output). The “Executive Function” oversees all of this acting as the decision maker; this process is often referred to as “metacognition,” or our ability to think about our thinking! All of this takes place within an emotional context which influences our perceptions, interpretations, and judgments.The presence of strong emotions, especially if these are negative (e.g., anxiety, fear, anger, sadness), can dramatically reduce our effectiveness as a learner. When we are anxious, for example, we may not be able to concentrate on the teacher’s words and so we may miss much of the important information we are supposed to learn. Anxiety also makes it harder to think clearly (processing) and it can cloud our judgment (executive functioning). Our anxiety will certainly impact our ability to do well on a test as it makes remembering the information much harder (output). So the emotional cwithin our schools and classrooms really does make a difference. Learning is optimized when the environment is safe, supportive, and stimulating. The IPM helps us determine the student’s strengths and challenges, and this supports our identification of their needs and provides a platform for instructional planning. Molly’s IPMFor students like Molly, with emotional and behavior disorders (EBD), normal functioning can be difficult. She struggles primarily with executive functioning as her emotions interfere with her ability to make good judgments. Her emotional challenges, however, also lead to several secondary challenges. Her secondary challenges include difficulty with inputting visual, auditory, and olfactory stimulus, problems with memory, classification, association, reasoning, and evaluation; and a hard time with speaking and producing written work. She sometimes has problems with social interactions. She has strong visual, kinesthetic, and motor abilities. Molly seems to learn best when she feels safe, secure, and when she is part of a small supportive group. Her teachers use cooperative learning strategies when they can and they are careful to select a group for Molly where she will be supported.  Image transcription textEmotional Context EXECUTIVE FUNCTION Attention Thinking Response Information Processing InformationInput Output Vision Memory Speaking Hearing Classification Writing Stimulus – Kinesthetic AssociationMotor Response Haptic Reasoning Dancing Gustatory Evaluation Running Olfactory Social Interac… Show more… Show moreAfter reading Molly’s Case study, please answer the following questions:What are some benefits of cooperative learning for students? What are some drawbacks?How can we create safe and secure learning environments for?Arts & HumanitiesEnglish