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amalkhatib56 Information is everything and used all the time. The second we wake…Information is everything and used all the time. The second we wake you we use the information we have collected- our location, our memories from the previous night, and the habits we have created- to infer where we are waking up.  After looking through the how we interpret information, the impacts it has one our lives, and the diversity of information that we truly understand the importance of data. Information needs to collected in order for the world to be truly understood. “I could spend a whole day listening. And a whole night. And in the morning, without my hearing it, there might be a mushroom that was not there the night before, creamy white, pushed up from the pine needle duff, out of darkness to light, still glistening with the fluid of its passage” (Kimmerer, 48). This quote beautifully emphasizes that sometimes no matter how much we think we know until we collect information we will never truly know. A person could spend days and hours trying to use their senses to establish an understanding of the world around us but it isn’t until they research and collect information that they can come to any conclusion. Information collection is a necessary step for us to gain any true knowledge about the world. The quote stresses the need to actively gather information to truly understand the world, as relying solely on our senses is limiting. It encourages continuous learning and exploration to grasp the ever-changing intricacies of our environment.Information is so powerful that it must be used cautiously. “For example, published in Germany in 1487, Malleus Maleficarum explained how to identify, capture, and kill a witch. It was soon circulating throughout Europe, stoking hysteria about witchcraft” (Black and Schiller page 642). This quote serves as a stark reminder of the profound influence of information and the need for responsible dissemination. It underscores the caution with which information should be handled, as it can have far-reaching consequences on society. In the case of “Malleus Maleficarum,” the spreading of misinformation triggered the Salem witch trials, leading to the wrongful persecution and death of innocent women. This historical example underscores the importance of critical thinking, fact-checking, and ensuring that information is grounded in evidence to prevent such tragic outcomes in the future.Information can not be divided into a singular topic; in order to understand it you must truly look into different perspective from a variety of subjects. “Hence the student of Geography will find him or herself having to engage with texts from Anthropology, the English Literature student with Philosophy texts, and the Sociologist with works of History” (page 1). The quote emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of academic studies, where different fields of knowledge often overlap and enrich each other. It illustrates how subjects like Geography, Anthropology, English Literature, Philosophy, Sociology, and History can connect and provide deeper insights into complex topics. This interconnectedness highlights the holistic and evolving nature of knowledge, encouraging scholars to embrace multidisciplinary approaches for a more comprehensive understanding of the world.The way we prioritize our individual rights is based on the information we collected. “Typical of the liberal democratic approach, Rawls insists first on the inviolability of these basic liberties rather than the importance of popular rule, in part in order to protect the private sphere of individuals against what he sees as often counterposing interests of the public sphere” (page 169).  This quote delves into the concept of individual liberties and their prioritization over popular rule in a democratic context. It challenges the assumption that democracy solely revolves around majority rule and highlights the significance of safeguarding individual rights. This quote prompts us to critically examine the tensions between collective governance and the protection of individual freedoms. It encourages us to reflect on the ethical principles underpinning democratic societies and how we came across these realizations. Had we not noted how we feel when our individual liberties are taken away from us then we would not have worked towards democracy. Information is how we base our government. “In most parts of the world even political leaders who are widely viewed as being undemocratic can rarely afford to eschew the label ‘democrat’ if they wish to retain support” (page 165). This draws attention to the strategic use of political labels by leaders, even when their actions may not align with their professed ideologies. It raises questions about the authenticity of political rhetoric and the need for vigilant scrutiny of political leaders’ actions. In an era of political polarization and disinformation, this quote urges us to look beyond labels and assess leaders based on their deeds rather than their words.Sometimes we must gather information in the mundane way with mathematics and science. “There is no mathematics of worthiness that reckons I deserve them in any way. And yet here they are—along with the sun and the air and the birds and the rain, gathering in the towers of cumulonimbi.” This quote fosters a sense of gratitude and wonder for the unpredictability and beauty of the world. It emphasizes that worthiness cannot be quantified but is found in the extraordinary aspects of life. This quote encourages us to cultivate a mindful appreciation for the ever-changing nature of existence and find value in the simple yet profound moments.In a rapidly evolving world, information urges us to embrace uncertainty and engage in critical reflection to better understand the complexities of our surroundings. “Not surprisingly, appreciation of this changeability of the world has had important intellectual consequences that undermine old certainties about the social world” (page 4). This highlights the intellectual consequences of acknowledging the world’s changeability. It challenges traditional certainties and invites us to adopt a more adaptable and open-minded perspective. In an era marked by rapid societal transformations, this quote encourages us to embrace uncertainty and engage in critical reflection to better understand the complexities of our evolving world.Diverse perspectives and critical analysis are vital in intellectual discourse, as authors contribute their unique viewpoints and critiques to the conversation. “Each author does review a given topic, of course, but they have been encouraged not to hold back on their own – often sharply critical – slant on the subject” (page 7). This underscores the importance of diverse perspectives and critical analysis in intellectual discourse. It acknowledges that authors bring their unique viewpoints and critiques to their work, enriching the conversation. This quote encourages us to engage with varying viewpoints and engage in constructive dialogue, recognizing the value of robust intellectual debates in shaping our understanding of complex topics. Historical conflicts, such as the Reformation, were profoundly influenced by information dissemination. “The Reformation was the first ideological—and intellectual—conflict in which information played a critical role” ( Black and Schiller page 641). This quote reminds us of the pivotal role of information in historical conflicts, particularly the Reformation. It highlights how information dissemination influenced ideological clashes and shaped the course of history. This quote prompts us to explore the profound impact of information on historical events and the enduring significance of information in contemporary society.Information flows seamlessly across different industries, driving progress in agriculture, manufacturing, finance, and more. “On the other hand, perhaps more important, information of diverse kinds was developed as a critical input into other emerging businesses in agriculture, manufacturing, and finance”(Black and Schiller page 632). This alludes to the interconnectedness of different industries and the flow of information across sectors. It suggests that information plays a central role in shaping various aspects of the economy and society. This quote encourages us to recognize the far-reaching consequences of information dissemination on diverse domains, including agriculture, manufacturing, and finance.Image transcription textWhat it is This reflection paper should cover your understandings,thoughts, and questions from Units Zero and One. Your readingnotes should provide a good foundation for this paper, … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textIS 311 Reflective Essay Rubric Criteria Excellent MeetsApproaches Needs Expectations Expectations ImprovementCompleteness Clearly and Almost Partially Does not a… Show more… Show morei just need helping expanding on what i haveArts & HumanitiesEnglish