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                            In the book : Room by…

                           In the book: Room by d’Emma Donoghue  



          (The step one)



Step One

What is this novel really about? What lessons can be learned?
How does the author explore these themes?
Consider plot & dialogue and provide examples of each.
Include page numbers for this section.

Proof from PLOT

(two examples per theme + page #’s)

Proof from DIALOGUE

(two examples per theme + page #’s)






Identify two (2) types of conflict that occur in the novel.
Explore how each conflict impacts the protagonist and/or plot.
NOTE: Page numbers are not required for this section.


Type of Conflict Impacts on PROTAGONIST Impacts on PLOT





                                                           (the step 2)

Where and when your story is set is not random. The author has made these choices for a reason.
Any changes to the setting will likely have an impact on your characters or the plot. 
NOTE: Page numbers are not required for this section.




(Think: on a map)


(Think: school, home, hospital, work, battlefield, church, store, forest, police station, etc)


(Think: how long are we with the characters? Does time move quickly or slowly?)

Geographic location #1 



Length of time story takes place:


Impacts of how time unfolds on the story and character:
How this location impacts plot (climate? resources? diversity? infrastructure? other?): Impact on the protagonist (their role, rights, feelings towards the place, duties, sense of belonging?):

Are there flashbacks/jumps in chronology? 


Geographic location #2 



How do the author’s choices regarding chronology impact the reader’s understanding?
How this location impacts plot (climate? resources? diversity? infrastructure? other?):  Impact on the protagonist (their role, rights, feelings towards the place, duties, sense of belonging?):



Historical Period                
In what historical period does the novel take place? (ex. Great Depression? Civil Rights era? certain war era? future? contemporary?)

What clues are given that suggest this?


(ex. technology mentioned or omitted, vehicles, clothing, gender roles, discrimination, housing details, etc)
Imagine one of your characters comes to life in this part of Ontario today. How might their life be different?  

                (step 3) about the characters 

Name of Character

Relationships with Other Characters

(choose characters OTHER than the ones in #1 & 2)




Identify another character from the novel who has an impact on this individual: Old Nick
What is their relationship like? Provide proof (examples of things said/done).

How my character feels about/relates to this individual: He is the one keeping him locked without being able to go outside. Jack does not like him.


How I know this (proof & page #’s): 
In what ways does this individual play a role in the plot development?  



Identify another character from the novel who has an impact on this individual:  
What is their relationship like? Provide proof (examples of things said/done).

How my character feels about/relates to this individual:


How I know this (proof & page #’s): 
In what ways does this individual play a role in the plot development?  





What physical details does the reader have of this character?


Consider: age, height, weight/build, size in relation to others, eye colour, overall attractiveness, skin colour, hair style, noticeable features (big nose? limp? etc)…


What does the reader know about how this character dresses?  
How does the author describe how this  character stands, moves, and uses physical gestures?  
How does this character’s physical appearance impact the story?  




What physical details does the reader have of this character?

Consider: age, height, weight/build, size in relation to others, overall attractiveness, eye colour, skin colour, hair style, noticeable features (big nose? limp? etc)…


What does the reader know about how this character dresses?  
How does the author describe how this  character stands, moves, and uses physical gestures?  
How does this character’s physical appearance impact the story?  


Fill out all these boards and give your answers only in the Board all the board should be shown for the answers please

Follow the steps of each chart and their questions (step one is about the novel step 2 is about the place and 3 is about the character.