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Imagine that you are applying to volunteer for a Domestic Violence…

Imagine that you are applying to volunteer for a Domestic Violence (DV) hotline call center. Before you can start taking calls, one of the requirements is to participate in the Harvard Implicit Association Test (IAT) online. Once you have completed the IAT, the call center administrator will follow up with you to inquire about your perspective on the findings/results.

The IAT is a current assessment from the field of social psychology that measures implicit bias, attitudes, and/or beliefs about diverse people and groups. The Implicit Association Test (IAT) measures attitudes and beliefs that people may be unwilling or unable to consciously report. In the scenario presented here, the IAT is a tool to help you identify some personal biases and prejudgements you may encounter while volunteering in the DV hotline call center. 

The IAT is not punitive, nor is it meant to imply that simply having biases is a problem, as these type of thought patterns are often unavoidable because of how our brains work. Instead, the idea is that recognizing our personal biases will allow us to better control and address them when needed.

The IAT will prompt you to give information about your own personal, social, and cultural identity. You do not have to answer these questions if you do not want to. The individual results of your IAT will not be shared with anyone outside of what you write about and submit to your instructor here. In this assignment, you will report on the results of your IAT, what they might mean, and your feelings about them. The results of your IAT may be stored in the Harvard Project Implicit database, but they will not be attached to your name or email address.

To begin, use the following weblink to access the IAT assessment and follow the directions provided on the website: IAT assessment 

There are 14 possible topics examined by the IAT, including religion, gender-science, and disability. Choose three IATs that you wish to complete and review your results for.  You can complete your chosen IATs by clicking on the blue icon button next to the description. (You may explore all the IAT assessment topics, but you are only required to report on three of them.)
For each of your three chosen IAT topics, please copy and paste the table template provided below into a Word document and following these directions:
In the topic choice column, add the name of the IAT (for instance, religion, gender-science, disability, etc.) and write a brief description of that IAT in your own words.
In the personal identifiers column, briefly indicate how you identify within the given category.
For instance, if you are completing an IAT about religion, include your own religious beliefs/identification. If you are completing an IAT about race, include your racial and ethnic identity.
In the findings/results column, summarize what your IAT results for that particular test revealed. Detail the automatic association the test found your brain tends to make (if any).
In the personal perspective column, provide a detailed explanation of whether you agree with your IAT assessment results in this category. Describe how these results made you feel and what they might mean.
An example is provided below. You will need to add three (3) more topics under the example.

Once your table is complete, reflect on what you learned about yourself and society from taking the three IAT tests you chose. Write an essay at least 500 words in length to address the following prompts:

Identify social and cultural factors of diversity that may be related to unconscious bias and institutional prejudice and discrimination.
HINT: Looking at your “topic choice” column and the topics of the available IATs will help you to identify some such factors.
Evaluate how unconscious biases may be related to institutional prejudice and/or discrimination. Justify your rationale by including examples.
Describe some of your IAT results that most surprised you and explain why you found those results so surprising.
Summarize how understanding your IAT results will help you communicate, interact, and socialize with individuals who are different from you in race, culture, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, etc., and those who are similar to you in these dimensions.
Assess how your own personal identity and biases might impact your work with clients from diverse and/or vulnerable populations in the human and social services field.


You will submit both your completed chart and your essay in one Word document to your e-Portfolio using the following naming convention — HUSS130 Report — and using the applicable program outcome per the list below.

Program Outcome for Human and Social Services Assistant Diploma and Human and Social Services Associates

Adapt essential communication skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in various human and social settings.


Program Outcome for Human and Social Services Bachelors

Demonstrate an understanding of human conditions and factors which present societal challenges as well as those that promote successful human functioning.



Topic Choice Personal Identifiers Findings/Results Personal Perspective
Gender – Science. This IAT examines whether the test taker tends to associate liberal arts with females and science with males. I identify with being female.

My responses indicated I have a moderate tendency to associate males with science and females with liberal arts.


I somewhat agreed with the findings because in my family, men were the primary providers for the family, and women took care of the home and the children. However, I think times and social situations have changed now, and I would hope that if I were to have a “house husband/partner,” I would be perfectly fine with a role reversal. Furthermore, I do not entirely agree that men are not connected to liberal arts. Men are artistic and enjoy music and dance just as much as females enjoy nature, research, and science-based career goals.

Insert your 1st topic here



Insert your 2nd topic here



Insert your 3rd topic here