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Identifying the parts of speech of words . Number the paper 1-20….

Identifying the parts of speech of words. Number the paper 1-20. Each of the following sentences contains at least one word of the kind specified. Find those words and write them after the proper number. Base the answers on the way each word is used in the sentence.


1. Dr. Samuel Johnson compiled the first dictionary in the English language. (adjective)

2. Did Elizabeth’s parents want her to try out for the squad? (pronoun)

3. My keys were sitting on the table, but I was convinced that I had lost them in the yard. (pronoun)

4. Although she was blind and deaf, Helen Keller learned to communicate effectively with other people. (noun)

5. At the end of the game, neither the coach nor the team members could account for the lopsided score. (conjunction)

6. Drivers in the Indianapolis 500 must stay continuously alert and be extremely skinful. (adverb)

7. How can you best prepare yourself for an effective interview? (noun)

8. The ads for the movie Summer Mystery ironically promised that the film would be “a chilling thriller.” (adverb)

9. We wanted to eat at the Russian Tea Room, but we couldn’t afford the prices. (conjunction)

10. John Updike’s novels have met with praise from critics and public alike. (preposition)

11. Mr. and Mrs. Lopez spent three snowy winters in Vermont. (adjective)

12. After her successful concert, Heidi said that the praise of her teacher, Ms. Hawkins, was her greatest reward. (verb)

13. The evening air felt rather cool as we opened the door of the densely packed gymnasium and stepped outside. (adverb)

14. A man with a full beard slipped a note to a sinister-looking character during the first intermission of the show. (preposition)

15. Oh, what a magnificent performance of Faust (interjection)

16. The blurb on the jacket of the novel promised “the intense emotional experience of both sorrow and joy.” (noun)

1. The detectives thought that there might have been a burglary when they noticed that the lock had scratch marks around it. (verb)

18. This antique clock chimes a soulful note every hour. (adjective)

19. When I had finished the test, I handed Ms. Martello my paper, returned to my seat, and became calmer. (verb)

20. At the start of the movie, I wondered about the sound effects that came toward me from all sides. (preposition)