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gigiaman Identify the mistakes or ineffective elements in the speech segment…Identify the mistakes or ineffective elements in the speech segment by highlighting the sentences that need to be addressed.Then rewrite them, demonstrating an appropriate use of language. Bold all edited sentences.Part 2: Analysis.  Submit in the assignment text box 1 paragraph analyzing your edited work by answering this question:What steps did you take to implement effective language and Why?You24 minutes ago The purpose of this activity is to give you practice applying principles of effective language by rewriting speech segments. Identify the mistakes or ineffective elements in the speech segment and rewrite them, demonstrating an appropriate use of language. Make all edits bolded. Once done, be able to explain  what steps you took to implement effective language. Speech Segment: (Television Violence) ?There is just too much violence on television these days. In fact, 70% of the public thinks there’s too much violence on television. Although media violence is not the only contributing factor, research says that the media cause at least 10% of the violence in the U.S. Consider, for example, the typical viewing habits of an elementary school child. By the time the average kid finishes elementary school, he will have seen 8,000 television murders and over 100,000 acts of violence. This desensitization toward violence means that it is time for things to change. We need to implement stricter media guidelines to protect young boys from becoming desensitized. So don’t beat around the bush, write a letter to our local Congressman advocating this change. Speech Segment: (Sweatshops) Erik Ness of the Progressive Media Project gave a high key report on the conditions for workers in Indonesia are completely ratchet. A workman making Nike sneakers busts his butt working ten hours a day; he works six days a week to bring home a measly fourteen cents an hour to his family; he gets two cents an hour for overtime. Of these workmen, 80% are female and 88% of those women are malnourished. Last year, Nike’s net profits were $329 million.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish