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I’d like to get answers and explanations to these questions.   1….

I’d like to get answers and explanations to these questions.


1. Which of the following is described as “a set of interrelated facts, observations, or ideas that explain or predict something”?






2. Iman exercises by swimming laps in a pool in mid-afternoon on weekdays. He chooses to exercise at this time because he knows the pool is usually very crowded early in the morning, at lunch time, and in the early evening. Iman’s choice of workout time is influenced by his







3. A zoology professor wanted the participants in one of his labs to experience the process of theory building. He divided the students into groups of two or three. He then instructed each group of students to sit near a different entrance of several different campus buildings. He told each group of students to record how many students carried backpacks and how many students carried their books without backpacks. The groups completed their tasks, returned to the lab, and shared their data. Which step in the process of theory building did the students use?



Explanation development

Pattern recognition



4. Charles Darwin’s observations of the finches on the Galápagos islands led him to believe that, over time, genetic mutations among individual finches yielded characteristics that allowed entire species of finches to arise that could survive, compete, and reproduce in different habitats. This is an example of which characteristic of a good theory?







5. Yukiko recently assembled a team to work on a software development project. She was nervous about her first meeting with the team because the team members had not worked together previously. Her boss reminded Yukiko of her work on previous projects where the team members had to spend some time getting to know each other before they could work together effectively. The boss was helping Yukiko use her prior experience to do this.



Explain phenomena

Measure performance

Apply models

Predict outcomes


1. Robert Zajonc found that people performed complex or unfamiliar tasks more effectively when they were alone than when they were being watched by others. As a result of his study, researchers coined the term social inhibition. This term is an example of which function of theory?








2. The executives of a large company selected Jordan to lead a project because he is an autocratic leader. The project was highly technical, on a tight schedule, and required quick and decisive actions. Which function of theory best supports the executives’ decision?







3. Makiko formed a project team for a software development project. It disturbed her that the team members started arguing with one another soon after the project began. Makiko’s boss assured her that things would soon settle down and that the team would begin to work together effectively. This is an example of which function of theory?







4.An educational publisher is developing a new biology program with separate components for the students and for the teachers. The project manager creates Schedule A for the development of the student components. She then sets the starting date of Schedule B for the teacher components at the halfway point of Schedule A. Which type of workplace theory is the project manager most likely using?







5. In their development of functional theory, Gouran and Hirokawa found that one of the reasons why groups talk themselves into bad decisions is that the group fails to fully or correctly understand a problem. They therefore proposed a sequence of events that should occur in group decision making to address this issue. What type of theory is the functional theory?







1. Remi recently went on an interview for a new position. During the interview, she told the hiring manager about her background, her career interests, and where she wanted to be professionally in five years. Which of the six personas of one-to-one communication best described Remi’s focus?


Who she thinks the hiring manager is

Who she thinks the hiring manager thinks she is

Who she thinks she is

Who the hiring manager thinks she is


2.Narayan is a new project manager at an informational technology company. The night before his first meeting with his team, he had trouble sleeping and experienced nausea. Narayan’s symptoms disappeared after the first meeting. Which of these best explains why Narayan felt better after the meeting?


He knew what his team members thought of him.

He knew what he thought of his team members.

He knew what his other team members thought he thought about them.

He knew what the other team members thought of each other.


3. Wyatt and Olivia are strangers who are standing next to each other on the New York subway. Olivia holds the handles of a shopping bag that contains her large dog. Wyatt observes that the dog is standing and that holes have been cut into the bag for its legs. Wyatt asks Olivia why her dog is wearing a bag. How does Wyatt determine whether Olivia wants to communicate with him?


He communicates with Olivia by asking a question.

He interprets Olivia’s response to his question.

He observes Olivia’s dog before asking his question.

He responds to Olivia’s answer to his question.


4. Rose was managing a project team of ten people. Her manager recently decided to combine two similar projects, which doubled the size of her team. Which aspect of the team’s communication is most likely to increase as a result of expanding the group’s size?


The frequency with which they communicate will increase.

The number of conflicts between team members will increase.

The complexity of the group’s communication will increase.

The number of channels they use to communicate will increase.


5. Andrea coaches a high school girls’ field hockey team. While preparing for the state championship game, Andrea tells her team that, based on statistical analysis, the team should win by a margin of at least five goals. She told her team this even though she knew the opposing team had been undefeated for several years in a row and that their star player had recovered from surgery and was expected to play. Which of these best explains Andrea’s decision?


She wanted her team to relax and take it easy.

She wanted her team to practice harder.

She wanted to prepare her team for certain defeat.

She wanted to help the team think positively.