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I’d like for you to use a meme generator website (such…

I’d like for you to use a meme generator website (such as to make a meme that sums up going to Disneyland when it is raining over winter break. 


 Afterward, in at least seven sentences, discuss and analyze your meme. Address the chosen image, the text you used, the tone: humor, irony, satire, etc., and how they work to convey the experiences of going to Disneyland when it is raining .  Use at least FOUR terms from below. 


Be thoughtful, be creative, and have fun!


Some important terms (use at least FOUR in your paragraph):


Tone: the attitude of the writer toward his or her subject

Humor: the quality of being amusing or comic, especially as expressed in literature or speech; to provoke laughter or amusement

Sarcasm: the use of irony to mock or convey contempt

Irony: the use of words to express something completely different from the literal meaning

Satire: the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues

Pun: a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word.

Juxtaposition: uses comparison to highlight either similarities or differences

Understatement: to make something seem small or trivial. Intentional downsizing of a large target or subject.

Parody: an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect

Exaggeration: overstating something to make it look worse than it is


Be thoughtful, be creative, and have fun!




(1) While the meme I created was done somewhat in jest, I wanted to convey that taking care of a newborn can be quite exhausting. (2) Being awake around the clock, changing diapers, preparing bottles, and overall making sure that our baby is healthy and happy, there is a lot that goes into being a new parent. (3) With that in mind, I juxtaposed the image of a ‘raccoon attacking a person’s face’ with the phrases “taking care of a newborn” and “feeling well-rested and ready to go back to work”. (4) The image of a ‘raccoon attacking a person’s face’ conveys the idea of disruption and something unexpected happening. (5) Obviously, the person in the photo was not expecting to get attacked, just like I was not expecting to be so tired while taking care of a newborn. (6) The tone of the meme is sarcastic because I am comically mocking the amount of energy it takes to be a new parent, while preparing to return to work and my normal responsibilities. (7) I’m appealing to humor to try and make light of a somewhat challenging time. (8) That being said, I’m exaggerating my experience because it’s not all challenges and exhaustion. Being a new parent is rewarding: I’ve never felt so much love and connection before; I am truly grateful to finally be a father.                             


Let’s break down the paragraph even more: 


Topic sentence: I created a meme to express… (state how you felt about your winter break as it related to your meme).


Second Sentence: Provide some details about your winter break.


Third sentence:  I used a photo of (describe the photo) and created the phrase…(state the phrase you used).


Fourth sentence: I utilized (use a term from the list above to explain the tone of your meme and how it relates to the message of your meme)


Fifth sentence: I also used… (use another term you used to help explain your meme) 


Sixth sentence: Lastly, I incorporated… (use your last term from the list to help explain your meme)


Seventh sentence: Explain some other things that happened to you over winter break.   


Be thoughtful, be creative, and have fun!